A Posting

  • Notices are removed.

  • Siel'de, upon hearing word of these fliers and being asked, seems to have a slightly perturbed look upon her half-drow face.

    While our foyer is free for any to enter that bear no ill will to any of the chapels within Her establishment, we have given no such permission to be a "bounty" pick up location. I do not know why this person has decided to speak it as such, and I can assure those that are inquiring that our temple is holier to us then to be used as some kind of tawdry point of conflict due to some inconsequential feud. Any seeking to collect on such a bounty and finding their way into our temple will be asked to leave and take such matters OUT of Oscura.

  • A new poster goes up

    The bounty has been collected.

  • "Very well m'Lady."

    He nods and returns to the temple.

  • "He has done nothing in Oscura. Should he have broken our laws, or brought harm to one of our citizens here, it would be something of concern. If he has, then it needs to be reported to the tribunal and the guards. So, it is a surface matter until that point. Why his bounty is to be collected at the Sharrian temple, feel free to ask someone in there. But as it stands, he is not a wanted man in Oscura."

  • Allanon inquires…

    I thought the notice said to report the bounty to the Sharran Temple? Is this a surface matter, or isn't it?

  • Notices are removed from Oscura. If someone should inquire why, Nicahh tells guards to direct people to her for deeper inquiry. The short awnser given to why the notices are taken down is said with a charming smile… "What is it we say down here... let the surface deal with their own problems? Yes... that is it."

  • The local priest Allanon can be seen in his flowing Ebony and Green robes as he examines the poster outside the Coppers. He does not make remark, merely stands with one arm folded and the other raised, fore-finger tapping his chin. He glides off towards the Temple after awhile.