A Posting

  • In a fanciful and elaborate hand the following is posted on walls and whatnot. Removed notices are not replaced.

    To all ye of good heart and supporters of justice. Let it be known that one General Grag of the Legion is hereby wanted and a bounty has been placed on his capture and return to justice. Grag is wanted for the following:

    1. multiple accounts of murder
    2. multiple accounts of theft
    3. trespassing
    4. destruction of private property

    Be aware this criminal is dangerous and should be approached with caution.

    A bounty of no less then 20000 pieces of gold will be given for the live capture of this most vile criminal.

    It is of utmost importance this criminal be captured alive to face trial.

    The prisoner is to be escorted and turned over to the Sharran Temple in Oscura who is providing an independent meeting place for the transaction.

  • Legion

    Marty also begins an investigation into what may have become of Grag

  • A number of Peltarchan's stop in the commons as the beautiful elven bard speaks her stories, listening with great interest and tipping tiny amounts for her stories. None however know anything of the current situation

  • Sil spends time at the sundial singing the valiant deeds of the Legion and how they came to Peltarch's aid during the Eastlander war. In between songs she exhorts passersby to come forth with any information regarding Grag and to do anything they possibly can to hinder his kidnappers.

  • A new poster goes up

    The bounty has been collected.

  • Legion

    Marty has been seen collecting the posters, and then using them as mulch in the city's gardens.

  • Legion

    Seeing the sign in pelt he just laughs and wonders out loud* Heels what bard got paid to do this joke… shakes his head again on his way to Tyr's Temple

  • Several dwarves jest about the announcement as well…in their golden tongue, of course...

    "…funny, when a Peltarch criminal is wanted, the senate thinks they can arrest 'em wherever they may be... guess it dont work both ways..."

    "...both ways? you mean like the way the senators 'emselves like it?"

    …much chuckling ensued.

  • ICC


    ::Senator Thel lets it be known that anyone attempting to capture Grag within the lands of Peltarch will face the full force of the law. Kidnapping is frowned upon and shall be dealt with severely::

    *Grak upon hearing Senator Thel's comment, mutters under his breath:

    "Grak knew it, them city-huuuumies want to hoard all of the reward for themselves, greedy whelps"

  • ::Senator Thel lets it be known that anyone attempting to capture Grag within the lands of Peltarch will face the full force of the law. Kidnapping is frowned upon and shall be dealt with severely::

  • Lady Rose Hollowmoon comes by one of these postings, and nods approvingly at it. She then explains to the people nearby using elaborate but elegant handgestures that, indeed, it does not matter where the crimes took place, if they indeed were counted as crimes. Every city has their own laws, and whilst Oscura is far inferior to Peltarch, it's laws should be respected, and those whom don't respect the laws ought to be free pray for anyone. Indeed, harboring such criminal might be dangerous for the poor peasants of Jiyyd…