Multiclassing Restriction Question

  • Legion

    I noticed a couple of links for paladin orders and monk orders and the allowed multiclassing for them. Are there any house rule restrictions on cleric deities and allowed multiclassing?

  • Legion

    ^Actually, a druid may be Lawful Neutral. As long as there is some neutrality in there its all good. So a Druid can't be Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, Chaotic Good or Chaotic Evil.

  • Druids need to stay any nonlawful. I.E. Neutral or Chaotic to keep being able to use their druidic talents.

    As long as your multiclass doesn't break that rule, your skills will still work.
    Also, certain druidic Gods/Godesses (All but meilikki, which can be argued is silly to have a nearly entirely different class because of this, but that's neither here nor there) with the druidic class associated to them don't let the users bear certain armor/weapons, namely metal.

    Good class to Multiclass with a druid is ranger IMO, similar beliefs etc, and many use the same weapons.

    ANy specific question?

  • Legion

    How about druids?

  • not to my knowledge, but you obviously have to remain within your alignment to be a valid cleric still.