The Rest System and You.

  • As there seem to be some questions on this system, I'll address the main Mechanics here.

    Food is now all prefixed with the name Food - *****
    If your food is not named like this, it will be the old sort of food and will not work, buy new food. Please trash old food rather than sell to avoid confusion in the shops.

    Resting in an Inn or Healers, to gain the specific benefits you must rest inside the signposted area, usually a Common Room, or Visible Infirmary area. Simply being on the map does not count.

    Resting near a Campfire. This distance is set to 10m. Any Campfire that will cook meat on it should be valid for this purpose.

    Healing Bonuses. A Campfire will give +2, an inn +5, a healers +10 and a default level of bandaging IF you are not allready bandaged.
    This means if you are a lowish level and rest in a healers, most of your damage will be healed for a fairly low cost. Read the signage in the relevant area's for costs.

  • What about cooking meat over a fire? Will that work as food?