(OOC) Jiyyd SDM Announcements

  • All OOC announcements by me pertaining to Jiyyd will be posted here in this thread. This thread is locked, if you wish to give me feedback, send to kallethen@gmail.com and put [Jiyyd] in the subject line.



    There will be NO housing available to PCs at this time.

    Thread clean-up

    You may have noticed some Sticky and Announcment posts disappearred. I felt they were no longer needed and switched them to normal posts.

    Jiyyd Town Militia and Staff

    Post a reply in my check-in thread on the staff forum by Feb 9th at midnight EST. Failure to reply will result in your character being fired.

  • Droibo's Storage Chest Rental Shop

    Droibo is offering storage chests for rent again! Please see his announcement for details if you are interested. Old customers also are asked to read the notice for information on how much yearly rent will be and also because all locks have been changed and new keys are needed.

  • Staff and Council lists cleaned up

    The deadline has passed, and I removed forum access to the Staff and Council boards for anybody who did not respond. If I accidentally removed someone who should really have been left, email me.

    If you have any items that signify membership to the town staff and were removed for inactivity, please contact a DM to hand the items back.