Jiyyd Quest Ideas!
A Dinner For Two (Rogue Only):
A customer of the shadier variety names Jed would like a specific bottle of wine from the Oytuarch's Cellar. Sneak in without getting caught, defeat low dc open lock check. Disable some form of mild 'alarm' with a disable device check. Sneak out and return bottle to Jed for gold/exp/chaos points reward.
The Dirty Cooking Pot!:
Mary Lyonson in the Regal would like you to do a chore for her as she is busy going throughout her day. Go out and preform a routine cleaning on the cookpot in the outdoor sitting area, after fetching a bucket of water from the well. Return to Mary for a wine/exp/gold reward.
A Fabulous Preformance Part 1 (Bard Only):
Inkeeper Droido is interested in hiring performers for the arrival of special guests. Preform check on low dc. Followed by persuade check to haggle for a higher price. Reward exp/gold/continuation of quest.
A Fabulous Preformance Part 2 (Bard Only):
Droido now asks you to go and show your performance to an unhappy friend in the hopes to cheer him up. Go to Finnius to preform some buffonery and make him laugh. Return to Droido for gold/exp reward.
Running Notes Part 1:
Watchman Hightower would like you to run a note to Justene about an upcoming shipment of goods. To ensure their safety he pays you well. Upon giving Justene the note she gives you a few coins and small exp reward/continuation of quest.
Running Notes Part 2:
Upon colcluding buisness with Justene she asks you to run a note over to the Legionaire Elven Archer Archer Captain Vedia Dela on the old war fortifications. Upon doing so gains you either a shortbow or a light crossbow as well as small exp reward.
Wow! great ideas!
Nice work, I like most of your ideas!
I know there was interest in adding more newbie quests to Jiyyd. So I though I throw out a few ideas. Devs feel free to change them up where you feel it necessary.
One Man's Garbage Another's Treasure:
A drunk beggar in the Regal asks you to retrieve something for him (he doesn't want to leave his begging post). A large broken wooden walking stick in pieces next to a trash barrel. Upon return he gives a single coin and and what he believed to be a worthless bottle which he mistakes the taste of, which you later find out is a rare bottle of dwarven ale.
Help At The Temple:
The Temple is in need of help. A small crypt like area has come alive with undead abominations. You job is to quell the menace. A squire pays you a few coins to enter the passage way and destroy the undead and return to him, as he is busy doing his squirely duties and doesn't want to fall behind. Probably an encounter of one or two very weak zombies. Exp/gold reward on completion.
Rats In My Pants!:
One of the cellars in the Regal is infested with rats. Chest said she left a garmet of clothing in there (I wonder why?) and wants you to retrieve it, but she is afraid of the diseased rats. Upon return of the missing item of clothing she rewards you with a rather forward kiss, coins, and exp.