Rando Arrested!

  • Chaevre' complains to the guards that rando gets wine but she isn't alloud any. . .

  • hen walks in inthe middle of the night all stealthy and what not so no one sees her and pours some water on randos pillow and wlaks away

  • :: a nice expensive bottle of red wine is delivered with the simple note "we miss you! The Banites"::

  • Rando is enjoying the visits he is receiving from various people including Dwin, Kull and Roland… Bigus is there keeping order and making sure people are not outstaying their welcome

  • ICC

    If allowed by Peltarch prison guards, kull can be seen visiting every now and then his old friend, Rando.
    If allowed also, kull brings a copple of ales, norwicks finnest to drink with Rando and help him pass the time.

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Rando is seen resting his head on a pillow. Bigus Orcus was said to be leaving the jail looking slightly thinner around the waist.

  • after numerous attempts Chaevre gives up and asks for the answer. Rando replies

    More Bars!

  • Rando and Chaevre are having another game of eye spy

    I spy with my little eye something beginning with M

  • Somewhere to the south and underground, a spooky priest considers getting himself thrown in Peltarch prison. It seems to be all the rave, lately, and it could probably provide a more interesting social life than Oscura.

  • Rando asks for a pillow for Chaevre

    • Rando asks for a pillow *

  • rando is in good health and a happy mood in his new quarters. he asks that all appointments for business and meeting be placed through his agent and equerry Bigus Orcus