IG Murder Investigation

  • *Andrew is seen all around Peltarch inquiring about information that may assist him in his ongoing investigation.

    He visits the Order of the Divine Shield headquarters, Bardic College, City Hall, the Temple of Tyr, the Inns, the Taverns and anywhere else he can think of, or that is suggested. He even visits the jail inmates that he is allowed to see.

    With each person he speaks with, he inquires about a portal opening just outside the city gate. ((Which ever gate the new player starting lobby portal lands at))

    Upon further conversation, it is told that he is searching for three males, one human caster and two of unknown race who would have arrived several months ago. The caster is incapable of creating his own portals and all 3 speak at least Chondathan as well as common. They were last seen wearing black cloth clothing with hoods and arriving in Peltarch by portal.

    If asked why he is looking for them, he explains that they are wanted in the northeastern Tethyr region for the crime of murder.

    He always leaves his contact information with each individual he speaks with.

    He makes notes of anything he is told, no matter how minor it may seem.*