
  • New Maps

    • New silver valley map *

    This map was designed by Lyte and she did one hell of a job. Scutum, as the locations DM added some stuff to, but lets give credit to Lyte (she's a dev and they deserve credit more than lousy DMs).

    Map Changes

    • East Valley map of Norwick *

    As I said on the Norwick forum, I'm personally going to push along devopment of the town for a bit. The new map has an extend wall along the south side, an unconnected road leading south for future expansion, a couple NPC houses for ambience, a small shrine to lathander on the hill top (its not done yet, RP it as still in the works), and the starting of a cavern system in the hills.

    I even made a custom AI for NPC workers in the map. You'll seem go about their business: mining, wall making, and occasionally taking a break.

    • West Valley Map of Norwick *

    Small changes. The great wall is wood now, instead of stone. I did this cause the wood fort walls are just a hell of alot more impossing looking than the stone ones. It also includes a double front gate.

    I moved the archery target a little south, so those using them wont spam the conversation channel around those talking at the campfire.


    Transition points between the west and east Norwick Valley maps fixed (how else would you get to see my East Valley work?), and Peltarch's Civic center should give you guys less hassle.

  • Oh!

    And the book sent to me by Entropy and DV are in. Thank you guys.