At the Brawling Bodak...
_Clad in his customary black, Pavel can be seen spending some time at the Bodak. Mostly watching the people that come in and out. But when he sees someone who shows potential ((all Player Characters with Int 10+ do)), he asks them if they'd like to participate in a sharing of combat knowledge. He seems particularly interested in brawls, but does not limit his interest to such.
If someone proves curious, he goes on to ask them to tell him just how they fight and what they fight for. And then asks their name and tells them to wait for word from him._
((Feel free to reply here. And if your character is interested, make it known… aka in post here, or PM to me))
_Seen from time to time in the brawling Bodak, Kara can be seen training herself in practice with others when they step up, or on her own. Instead of sword, shield and armour, she simply trains in a light cloth doublet and a carefully weighted training sword made specifically for her.
All-throughout her practice sessions, she appears focused on the task at hand and rarely lets herself fall to distraction, while her style of combat changes as the demand calls for. When on her own, she simply recites practiced technique slowly without rushing.
Both natural ability and honed practice are readily apparant to those with an eye for watching combat, or with the training themselves, along with the concentration to match such skills._
Pavel seems very interested and approaches Maya eagerly.
((more in PM))
_In the last few weeks, Maya has been seen more frequently within the walls of Oscura. Often, she is asking locals about a Deep Gnome named Bob, someone with whom she apparently did business.
Occasionally, she is spotted within the Brawling Bodak
Maya’s practice is mostly good natured and fun. She laughs readily, is easy going, and enjoys learning anything related to weapons and battle. She has apparently acquired knowledge of various exotic weapons, including whips various polearms. When asked about this, she simply states “Black Dragons teach”.
Though her knowledge and experience is considerable, she appears to pick up on things very slowly. She has remarkable natural gifts, but is predominately set in her ways.
Despite her obvious charm and presence, there is an underlying tension that is troubling. It’s almost as if there is a great rage, almost divine in nature waiting to be released. Stories vary wildly, but there are rumors of tears of blood that trickle down her cheek. Some say it’s a blessing from Tempus. Others, a curse of a darker nature._
Whether Pavel approaches her or not, is up to you.