Norwick Map changes
I'm taking over map development of Norwick for a little bit. In the next update these changes to the maps will be in
The wall of the city will be upgraded to a fort style wall. The lumber will be pulled from the trees on the south side of the East Valley map.
A shrine to Lathander will made on the North East hill of the East Vally Map
The city Wall will be extended to the East Valley Map.
Some NPCs homes will be added.
The start of a underground system of rooms and corridors will be added to the hills in the East Valley map.
If you wish to RP this, you can Rp chopping lumber, mining cavern entrances, and building walls. Expect this update within a couple days.
fine, fine.. the original deal stands just remind me which PC I am dealing with so I can post about it.
Archon, Mori's little enhancement is going to mean a higher price. I'll try to catch you in irc.
The shrine is going to have a semi underground chamber underneath it where a hole in the ceiling lets the sun's rays shine in during morning. This will activate a visual effect on the shrine at 6 a.m.
((Riiiiiiight…all comin back to me now... Archon, let's finalize the "agreement" so we can move ahead))
((mori, this all makes sense and can be RP'd except the shrine… some lathandarite should actually "ask" for it, right? whats the story behind it? who's paying for it?))
Im intersted in RP the building of underground and new walls. How could i do that?
Dwalin Dáin - adilsonjunior90