Plague of Norwick

  • Per players requests, this is an OOC summary outline of what has transpired to this point for those involved in the plot surrounding the Shade, the ghasts, and the Mummy Rot:

    Episode One: Three adventurers went to the graveyard after talking with the Gemli the dwarf in Norwick. Taking it upon themselves to see what was happening in the area, they happened, much by chance, across several undead that seemed to be under the control of a single individual that has been refered to as a Shade. Attemps to fall the creature were unsuccessful and this began a long dialogue that entailed the 2 of the adventurers taunting the creature - at one point claiming that being alive was far better than being dead. The creature asks them to give an example of how this is true and one of them responded with "the touch of a woman." This, of course sounded interesting to the creature and being that one of the adventurers was a woman, she was asked to prove this claim and touch the Shade. To this point, it has not happened.

    Episode Two: As the lass sat in the company of several of her companions, the Shade began to call on his minions as they filed into the village causing quite the distraction. All the while, having an opportunity to perhaps speak with the lass in question, the Shade spoke quietly with her again trying to convince her to comply with her end of the agreement as he knows what is due him and although he could simply take her, this can only happen with her willingness to do so. This thing is brutal but, hey, one can be brutal and still be civilized to some degree… No means "NO" after all...

    Episode Three: withheld for continuity purposes… I am not going to spill ALL the beans...

    Episode Four: Growing tired of the games being played against it, the creature finally sets a demand: Either comply with the agreement or one Norwickian of innocent nature will fill the void until such time as the lass willingly comes forth. The first to fall was Johan the guard. He was restored to life by the gracious powers of the lady Tristina but was afflicted with a serious contagion upon being restored. Serious in nature and not known by Tristina, the illness affected the man so severly that he impaled himself on his sword just north of the crafters hall.

    Several others seemed to have contracted the illness as well. They were privvy to the death of another Norwickian 2 days later and being the curious types, they got a bit to close to the corpse and were afflicted. They were told there was not a known cure for the ailment as most had tried their hand at healing them, all to no avail. Tristina set to work on a cure and has been working hard since then.

    Episode Five: having found perhaps a way to elicit a cure, Tristina enlisted the aid of several haphazard adventurers and they set out to collect several items for her. Returning to Norwick far worse for the wear, the band of adventurers was indeed successful at their attemp to collect the needed items and again, Tristina withdrew to the second floor of the Apothocary to continue her work

    Episode Six: A cure has been discovered and Tristina, needing first to test it on a willing individual, will distribute it as soon as she is able.

    Episode Six Part 2: The vile and dark creature once again came to call on the unfortunate people of good Norwick. It was met head-on by a over zealous guard. Although a minor challenge, the guard never did actually stand a chance and fell within sight of several adventurers. Said adventurers gave a good stand in lieu of their profound weaknesses as, well, mortal scum but at least they put up more of a fight than had been attempted previously.

    The fallen guard was restored to life by lady Tristina although upon his revival he suffered from the contagion. Several willing individuals participated in the purging of the illness and, although odd in its method of delivery, it was a success.

    Episode Seven: It seems as though the lucky adventurers doing their best to aid in ridding the town of the latest undead threat have managed to fall something that seems to look like the creature that has been harrassing everyone. Burned and disposed of by the goody goodies, the ashes scattered in the cold wind and life returned to normal - or so it seemed.

    Another guard has been taken and, unlike the others, was left horribly re-arranged, so to speak, by the south gate hanging on not one, but several, pikes. A message, written on the various surfaces in blood, was left with the body (parts) stating the following: YOU WILL NOT BE RID OF ME SO SOON! The parts smell of rot and death and ooze a wonderfully rich greenish substance… mmm.. pea soup.

    Episode Eight A few hapless andventures encountered a nice collection of undead milling about in the old Norwick ruins… what business was being conducted there is unknown but there certainly was something of dastardly deeds afoot. A dark creature presented itself wanting one, anyone, to step forward and offer their service to it but, alas, the goodly types decided against it and left, worse for the wear, but left all the same.

    Episode Nine It seems as though the recent taking of innocents has been quelled. What happened to cause this lull is unkown but it was welcomed nonetheless. Not to allow those involved too long of a reprieve, the apothocary itself was attached by a dark creature. A battle of magical proportions took place within its walls and those involved all suffered. Of note was the discovery by all that the focus for the cure had been taken from the second story of the apothocary… where it went or who took it is still unknown.

    Obviously, this is a summary outline and a good deal of the details have been left out intentionally, as have the names of those involved. This is akin to the rumors that would likely be circulating throughout the town so as to bring everyone interested up to speed and hopefully encourage some RP accordingly.

    Enjoy and feel free to add to the info as you see fit.

  • Updated: changed "days" to "Episode" for better continuity and to reference Star Wars :roll: then added numbers eight and nine.

  • Updated: Day Seven

  • Updated from Day 6

  • ICC

    //Thanks Suess (and any other Dm(s) that might be envolved in the event), great summary of what has happend till now.


    For the past few weeks ( //1irl week i belive) Kull has been eard broading about his great dids against the undead threat and norwick protection, bards have sang songs about him and his men, tales of bravery at the face of the undead dark force, but quickly the bard´s mouth have been "forced" to shut, some norwick citizens look up to him and respect him, others... simply mock him at his passage. None the less, he doesnt care. What he cares about is town´s and peoples safety, how ever, and becouse he cares, he cant help but feel guilty... guilty for the recent undead apparitions.... undead attacks... guilty for some fine norwicks solders deaths and even suicides... He feels guilty for beeing one of the three adventurers that went to norwick´s graveyard and awake the evil that was put to rest, guilty for awaking the shade´s desire for pleasures of the flesh... Becouse of his guilt, he has been seen drinking more ale than the usual.
    Becouse he cares... kull has been seen more often in norwick that in any other town for the past few weeks, and he intents to be around until this undead go back to the place they´ve came from

    (***Edited for mistakes correction)

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • *The news spreads quickly…

    A cure for the dreaded "Rotting Disease" has, indeed, been found.

    A guard who had recently fallen victim to the vile shade was restored to life by Lady Tristina. He was then cured of the rotting sickness, once again, by Lady Tristina. Though the guard remembers almost nothing of the ordeal.*

    ///Thanks for a fun event! Z

  • ((OOC: thanks, Seuss…. we should do more of these with different plots--helps keep people up to date))


    Dwin asks his advisors and guards to let him know if they know anything about this, and specifically, the identity of the woman involved.

    I know Aramuil was tellin me sumtin about this, but now all the pieces fit. I'll be damned if some tart is gonna do sumtin that starts killin Norwick folks! I want to see this lass as soon as possible!