An Announcement of Thanks

  • Town criers send out an announcement from the Chancellor's office

    As some of you may know, several individuals have been afflicted with a horrid disease by the foul undead! the criers wait for the booing and hissing to die down But thanks to the efforts of Advisor Arcane Aramuil Holimion, Lady Tristina and an intrepid group of adventurers a cure has been found! Lady Tristina, even now, prepares the cure for those afflicted, and it is all thanks to the efforts of a band of adventurers, let their names be known throughout Norwick and let none go unthanked, they are: Drogo Drago, the gnomish mage, Cherry Amalith, Sorceress of the Gypsy Camp, Emily, the elven archer, Jerrick Rafe, man of the woods and Saffron, the gnomish monk! If you see them about, pat them on the back, buy them a drink and thank them for the help! May thanks also go out to Advisor Arcane Aramuil Holimion who organized the group and Lady Tristina for her continued efforts to keep the people of Norwick healthy! May Norwick stand forever!

    the criers then hustle back to the Great Hall for their pay

    ((OOC note: Thanks Dr. Suess for running the event, and thanks to everyone who participated, I hope you had fun. This was an event specifically for low level characters, so let 'em know they're appreciated IC.))

  • Legion

    Drogo has been seen asking local sculptures if they would like to make a statue of him since he has saved the town fanatical luaghter soon followed*