*A large broadside is put up in the inn*

  • _"Guild Leaders and concerned citizens of means and strength of Jiyyd, Legion General's Grag and Lyte are taking the unusual step of calling for a MEETING to discuss EVENTS and CREATURES witnessed by them in a recent patrol to the place called MINTAS RHELGOR.
    The meeting is to discuss a tactical decision. The evilry involved and topic for discussion are DROW, DUERGAR and DEMONS.

    We feel this matter is of region shattering importance.

    Please attend, or send a representative.

    Jiyyd Legion Hall, (Thursday night roughly 11pm eastern time)."_

  • _A woman in crimson dress, one of pale silvery skin of nocturne passes by the sign she did.

    An expression that is mostly impassive she maintains, but a hint of worry can be seen in the glint of her eyes._

    "The dark times, is seeming to be embracing Narfell. A concern and worry it brings, for it requires a gathering of heroes, needed to be done and announced in the open.

    A gathering of heroes… curious. Mayhaps it would bode I well to take a look when the time comes."

    Grasping a book closely to her chest, that is entitled "The Heroes of Narfell", she walks on again with a pace and steps she makes, one of a gentle breeze it reflects.