Echoes of the Past

  • A posting is put up at city hall, readily available to the public:

    Surely we are all aware of the strange visions that have been appearing throughout the city. My research has shown that these seem to be magical or ghostly images of the city's past. Using my expertise as Peltarch's senior historian and archivist, I will attempt to maintain here a record of the apparitions, arranged chronologically. Hopefully this will help us to make some sense of what we are seeing.

    I ask that anyone who witnesses additional images please leave a note here or contact me at city hall so that I can keep the list up to date.

    • Fistus Mixander, the Gnome Who Knows


    Catalog of Historical Apparitions

    • Tidus the Fisher King leads his troops and Hoarsgate reinforcements on a patrol against encroaching ogres
      Time Period: The First Giant War (c. 920 DR)

    • Tidus and Peltarch troops have a standoff and armed conflict with Hoarsgate occupiers who refuse to leave after the war
      Time Period: Peltarch's War for Independence (c. 940 DR)

    • Tidus fends off Hoarsgate reinforcement ships by using catapults to hurl jars of garden snakes at them – the crews believe the snakes are venomous and leap into the Icelace to their deaths
      Time Period: Peltarch's War for Independence (c. 940 DR)

    • Tidus lies in state in the Peltarch commons, a day of silence declared to honor the death of the beloved king
      Time Period: The Reign of the Fisher King (c. 967 DR)

    • Seafarer Guildmaster Ruith "Red Blood" Snydders engages in a verbal altercation with a Wavebreaker captain over the legalization of the slave trade
      Time Period: After The First Barbarian War (c. 1100 DR)

    • prior to his election, Roland Brynmor holds a large rally after a number of high-profile assassination attempts
      Time Period: The Reign of the Hundred Senators

    • Herald Thril appoints Evendur Mildsilver and Syne to the Senate after the deaths of former Senators Ayanie and Adam Bromley
      Time Period: The Reign of the Hundred Senators

    • Black Dragon Knights claim the city, having driven out the previous government, and discuss the growing rebel camp to the south; Koreth approaches but is not seen
      Time Period: The Civil War

    • a Black Dragon Knight runs south, presumably in response to opposition from the rebel camp
      Time Period: The Civil War

    • a beggar possessed by kobold "High Mage" explodes in commons; "High Mage" appears in the guise of a human male
      Time Period: The Uneasy Peace

    • Herald Thril gives a speech to inaugurate the Festival of the Fisher King, followed by a partial fireworks display
      Time Period: The Uneasy Peace

    • an indiscernable man appears by the sundial -- only the word "order" is heard
      Time Period: Unknown

    ((IC discussion is welcome in this thread, in addition to reports of new apparitions))

  • Fistus replies:

    "No, no… I'm afraid that the source of these apparitions is very much a mystery. It's surely some kind of magic, but regrettably that's very far from my area of expertise.

    I've also heard that these images have grown violent lately... I'm not sure whether you'd want to copy something like that, as precious a gift as seeing into the past might be."

  • The bard known as Anderian contacts Fistus Mixander to ask him a question about the images

    "Do you know or has anyone discovered how these images are brought on, how they are called perhaps? If so I ahd thought about attempting to call upon one particular part of Peltarchs past that I have interest in to see if I can learn the whereabouts of an item"

  • Fistus has been regularly updating his list of apparitions, aided by an assortment of city residents and officials providing reports.

  • The same red headed bard makes her way to the senate and delivers another note sheet to Mixander. She speaks to the Herald Thril first. Offering to give Thril a drawing of himself he politely declines. The event in question seems to have been an excerpt from the start of the Festival of the Fisher King.

  • Fistus is seen to accept Mareann's reports warmly, his delight tempered by old age. He is sure to keep the list of apparations up-to-date, complete with historical context.

  • The same red headed bard breezes into the senate building making her way to the library with a friendly smile and words of hello to the herald

    Looking to give a report to Sir Mixander. another one of those historical vision thingys.

    Entering the library she gives Mixander a cleaned up drawing of the main figure in the vision with a short note page regarding the vision of Peltarch's far past

    Not sure when this was, but he chased them off with snakes. brilliant that was! she grins

    I made a copy for the magistrate too. That ones yours.

  • A certain red headed bard delivers an accounting of the most recent events to Mixander after writing it on a clean page. She smiles widely and easily at the old gnome thanking him for his time. Leaving him to his important work with a wave

  • A red headed bard woman in blue seeks out the gnome.

    So like an elf guy by the name of Aramuil said that it was divination magic. He is all dog barking a cat up a tree about who is causing it. So I'm thinkin we should let him chase his tail with it. I'm thinkin its a what, a thing or somethin.

    Somewhere, I remember hearin about the stone clusters being like super focused weave points. You hear strange things in the docks. I dunno if its related either, but some very real man appeared in norwick some months back. That fella was all lookin like a Black Dragon Knight in these visions. He said he'd been trapped by the fey in the old pixie glen and only got free after the fey left. Dunno if the fella's related at all. Honestly don't know what happened to him either. He came to Pelt and I trailed him all the way. He went off quite like with the city guard.

    She shrugs and tucks some loose hair behind gently pointed ears looking to the gnome

    Dunno if that helps at all fella.