The Sunite Super Secret Event

  • A white haired mage and red haired bard stumbled out of the bath house some time after Winter. They seemed to wobble and weave on the way towards the bardic college. rumors go that the wine served at the event was a bit more than your average bottle… They seemed very happy and somewhat eager to get to the college although they didn't run.

  • Winter both arrived and left alone. However her movements on leaving were delicate to say the least and her clothing bloodstained. She seemed however in reasonably good spirits

  • Dentin and Ty'Nezi were the first to leave the event, both looking quite happy as they went into to Dentin's house in the commons. Dentin especially looked radiently happy, to the surprise of many who know him as an otherwise gruff man.

  • Cyrian and his Date Lacey were seen leaving the bath house late in the evening, they both went back to Laceys house, holding eachother by the arms. They spent the next day together, both not going to work at their respective jobs, Cyrian was seen leaving the city early in the morning the day after looking happier then he has in years.

  • This sunday or saturday is also better for me.

  • Seems this saturday is the better idea?

    I'll try to make it 🙂 (Definitely have more chances than Teah on that other sunday ^^)

  • I wont likely have my PC connected on the 28th. I have to be out of my apartment by the 31st of October. So the goal was to have all my things out by the 28th and then clean the other few days.

    I don't know where I am staying or if I will have internet access after I move out. 😞 When I finally get to the UK I will of course.

  • If we are to do it on a Sunday, lets do it Sunday the 28th at 3 EST. That is over a week from now. I know this Sunday coming up another DM is running an event and several of you might want to attend it and I'm not for sure how long what I want to do will run. So, this gives us a bit more time. If this is a problem for anyone, let me know. Otherwise, I'll mark that as our time to meet.

  • prefer sunday as i usually go out on saturday nights

  • If it's sunday Winter will need to find a date…. not that thaqt's a huge issue 😉

  • Either or is fine for me. ((Have the winners been given PMs yet? If so, just ignore me))

  • Sunday would be slightly better, though both are fine with me.

  • Later is fine with me also. Or we can do it Sunday at around 3'ish EST if that is better for most.

  • Later would be better for me… But I'm not sure I'll be able to make saturday at all... x.x

    I'm hopeful, though, I could make 5 pm EST ... (that's 11 pm CET, I think?)

  • How does Saturday at around 3 p.m. EST sound? I think that is 8 GMT. But I'm not sure.

  • Either Saturday or Sunday works for me, though preferably not too late at night if Sunday. 🙂

  • Preferably Saturday during the GMT day, or all day Sunday.
    It's possible that I could also come on saturday night, but too early to tell right now.

  • Any time during the weekend though preferably later in the evening.

  • Between 2.30pm EST and 9pm EST on the saturday

  • weekends are best for me