Chaevre' Arrested!

  • Seems that while visiting Peltarch, Chaevre' was confronted by a large number of guards and taken to prison, many people are curious as to why she went willingly and didnt just kill the lot of them, but seems for now she is going to be relaxing in jail, rumors of possible charges seem to range anywhere from spitting too close to someone, to murdering peltarch officials, seems everyone has a different story, but which one is tru, that will be decided at trial

  • Chaevre' complains to the guards of a sore back, having been chained to a wall for three years without being alloud to excersize is taking its toll

  • In her persistent boredom Chaevre' has taken to asking the guards "Can I go Now?" roughly every thirty seconds.

  • Keeper Tirreth of Spellweaver was seen entering the Prison, to visit with Chaevre, and left not too long after. Guards later delivered a transcript of the conversation to Barrim as per orders.

  • Chaevre' requests the guards have someone send a letter to the Oscura Trubunal on her belahf requesting her home in Oscura be dug out and restored so that she will have somewhere to live when she is out.

  • Rumours may also have spread to the Jewel of the Icelake that the man whose body was stolen by Chaevre has been seen again in the southern cities, alive and well.

  • DM

    It is soon widely known around the company of guards or city officials alike that the woman known as Chaevre admitted her guilt to the charge of Necromancy in the form of corpse theft - as witnessed by guard and both magistrates.

    As to her whereabouts, those who don't visit her in jail certainly havent seen her emerge from the courthouse folk assuming she will be locked up for some considerable time.

    Perhaps the mob could be displeased with the lack of a very public sanction and a gaudy trial, while others speak of sleeping sounder in their beds. Publicity is muted for this conviction, could this be the style of the magistrates or perhaps neither party benefits from a lack of a public trial except the city who saves considerable coin in quick and decisive justice.

  • it has been a half a year now that Chaevre' was imprisoned, and thus far she has heard no word from anyone concerning a trial date, nor she has been spoken to by any form of representation concerning the reasons for her arrest.

  • Chaevre' has been asking her guards if the trial date will be set soon.

  • DM

    Some of the rules Barrim has issued to certain authorities in the city appear as a notice to be read to all visitors to Chaevre.

    Until then the following strict rules shall apply.

    1 - Prisoner Chaevre shall recieve no public visitors UNLESS accompanied by guards, who will transcribe every word spoken to the prisoner, and be kept isolated from other prisoners and in chains. No agent of the city shall visit her alone, and guards will not be in her presence to give food unless it is at least in squad size. She may relay any messages to any nominated council for her defence through me personally in writing. She is to be given no writing materials or any other items save eating utensils and prison garb. (someone can tell her IC that she may PM me IC with any requests, it can be assumed that a guard transcribes her words for her).

    2 - All visitors are at the discretion of the guard, they may denay anyone who they consider a threat that visiting privelege

  • Chaevre' asks the guard to bring her some parchment, a quill, ink, and if possible her spellbook, so that she may continue writing her research.

  • For anybody who takes the time to ask, it is said Cheavre is charged with "Necromancy and Fraud".