Karrendoc Porcelan: Humble Origins

  • Character Name: Karrendoc Porcelan
    Login ID: JSRB

    I used to live hand-to-mouth, ye know.

    The Laureleates weren’t particularly generous to their servants. Me da was good enough as majordomo, but that didn’t change the musty bowl of gods-know-what that be hurled on our plates every day. It was a grueling experience.

    We shouldn’t have been servants in the first place.

    If memory serves correctly, we were descended from a line of politically powerful aristocrats back in the late 1200s. Then, the blood feud came.

    Oh aye. When Aldabert Laureleate challenged Murdoch Porcelan to a duel, their clans, honor and lives were on the line. Foolish, what drove those men. I hear legends that the nobleman Aldabert was as fine an axeman as the Uthgardt, and that great-great-great grandfather Murdoch was one of the quickest hin swords in Reddansyr. That be in the Dragon Coast.

    ‘Course, Laureleate won. His axe is hung in the Laureleate dining hall. I looked at it once. Tarnished. Obviously, poison was employed. Grubby cheaters.

    Me family was forced into servitude, and all other descendants of Murdoch Porcelan. What a curse, eh? Ye wouldn’t know half of it. Good thing I don’t have any sisters, with those bawdy bastiches pushing us around.

    I was born what, the 1350s? Aye. That’s right. Not known anything but me parent’s love and the Laureleate’s contempt. Me ma loved to tell me cousins (who worked in the gardens) that I was the smartest of her coop. I’d blush when she said that.

    Not untrue, though, I tell ye that. I remember dodging me chores just to hide in the library. Fascinating place. The Laureleates wouldn’t have any of us educated, so we had to deal with our own. Me bro’ers can’t read. Tried teaching them, all turned to thievery. Hah! That’s right. Made a sport of robbing the Laureleates, them.

    Happens I read that fine book by this priest, I recall he was called Damon Rubygold. It was a Waterdhavian’s guide to Siamorphe, defender of the Sea and North wards and patron of royalty and nobility. Damned, how elated I was when I saw that. I pored in.

    ”…Thus, in doing so, the welfare of the people is entrusted to those with the power to care for them. Royalty comes with the heaviest price: service. Rule responsibly, die nobly. It is a centuries-old creed that encompasses the human mind’s boundaries…”

    I was stricken. The Laureleates, oppressive, were truly unfit. I would serve no more.

    I stole away in the night, kissing me ma and brothers before I left. Da was busy accompanying the masters in a ball somewhere, so I did not manage to bid him goodbye. I have plans of writing to him. Good thing he be literate.

    I hid meself in a ship, using all the gold I had scrounged my entire life to bring me somewhere far. Far, far, far away.

    I had read about Narfell in a book known as “Curious Tales of the Far Reaches”, and thus I assumed it was a great distance away. The captain did nay look too seedy.

    “All aboard? We sail for Peltarch.”

    Little did I know.

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