Norwick's envoys and the goblins of the West Rawlins

  • Ragnhild crouches infront of Spitter, muscles tense as if getting ready to pounce if necessary. She stares intently at the goblin as Dwin breaks the egg across the back of its head, as if willing the process to work.

  • Grumbles and sits on the goblin pinning his back down

    <d>fark me. daughter of a house of the ironspur reduced to sitting on gobbers.

    she grunts <d>bet there is nay any gold in this either. I wonder if those dead gobbers had any ale…</d></d>

  • Good idea, lass.

    *Dwin lays the stone-gob face down on the ground. He puts a foot on the axe and motions for Belin to sit on the stone-gob's back.

    He then motions for Mark and tells him to get close and tell Spitter to "calm the fark down" as soon as he's free of the rock.

    He also motions to Tindra to hold his other arm.*

    Rag, lass… You be ready to and speak yer gob-tongue to him if necessary. This gobber's last sight was probably a minotaur so he's either gonna be fightin or wettin imself in a few seconds... Most likely both.

    with that, Dwin takes one of the eggs from his pack and smashes it on the back of the gob's head.

  • Deciding to speak up, Tindra shifts into her werecat form. She stretches for a quick moment as her body settles into it's other shape.

    "How about we lay him down face firrst?" she rumbles.

  • OK… when we break this egg over his head, he'll come back to us... but he's holdin that axe ready to hit.

    We got a couple options here... we give the egg to the Mark-gob here and let him do it. I recommend ya hit him from behind and run, lad.

    Or, we throw it at him from a distance and hope we dont miss...

    Or we bust it on him and jump on his arse before he can touch us.

    Now, I aint afraid of this gob or any other, but the third option could end up in someone, most likely the gob, gettin hurt.


  • _After some work and some carefully maneuvering the adventurers get Spitter out of the water. Spitter makes a fine statue of a goblin in a battle stance. Somewhat larger then a normal goblin warrior he seems to have been frozen in a battle cry with his battle axe held out in front of him. The details of his mail armor and clothing can still be made out beneath a thin layer of algae that has grown on him.

    Mark seems to back off and watch wordlessly as the adventurers drag the statue up._

  • Ragnhild stands at the back of said line, putting her powerful back and legs to work on the attempt at hauling the stone goblin up from the depths.

    //cheers for Dwin's impressive 4444th post

  • Belin grunts heaving to the line working to pull "squirter" out of the water

    ((wow dwin post number 4444))

  • Dwin nods, understanding the idea.

    Aye, makes about as much sense as anything else here…

    Dwin takes off his armor and takes a fine, silken looking rope from his pack. He motions for Rag and Belin to hold his legs as he lines prone and dunks his head underwater for a few seconds, wrapping the rope around the "statue's" shoulders and chest and tying it very securely.

    Ok, folks, let's pull our new friend up and see if we can get some more crazy answers!

  • Ragnhild stares into the water for a moment, a warm, strong hand resting reassuringly on Mark's skinny shoulder. She seems to consider, tilting her head in thought before turning back to the party.

    "Dwin? If we kan get our fish to dri land, maybe using magic egg on him vill worrk to make him gobbalin again, and not statue? Vorth tri, no?"

  • Belin mumbles in dwarven

    <d>fark me. This shite is strange kin. Remind me not to follow you out the gates.</d>

  • The feline Tindra rumbles a purring chuckle at Dwin.

  • dwin mutters under his breath

    This little gob is a loon, aint he?

    louder now, he speaks to Mark

    Ask him how he holds his breath so long, lad!

  • dwin mutters under his breath

    This little gob is a loon, aint he?

    louder now, he speaks to Mark

    Ask him how he holds his breath so long, lad!

  • Mark makes his way to the bridge over the water and starts peering into the depths looking for something.

    'Him around here somewhere…..ah there Spitter!'

    Mark points into the water where the goblin statue was found.

    'What want ask him?'

  • Wouldn't surprise me in the least…

    Dwin heads out after the diminuative gob and Rag and the rest of the group.

  • Ragnhild unfolds her long legs to rise and follows Mark, looking back at the others with a slight wince and murmuring:

    "Uh-oh.. think Spitter is our fish, Dwin?"

  • Mark stands up with a sense of urgency.

    Can take you to Spitter right now, Spitter glad have company. Him all alone sitting in water.

    Mark starts walking towards the exit of the cavern. then pauses looking at the dwarves wrinkling his nose.

    Them going to stink place up.

    He then sighs and walks towards the exit of the cavern.

  • ((El Bumpo))

  • Dwin nudges one of the clay covered corpses with his boot and sighs.

    I still don't unnerstand why these uns are covered in this clay shiite.

    This 'Spitter' sounds like he's some kinda backstabber to me…