Of gangs and Cults. (Thay)

  • Intermission.

    (Ages 19)

    "Familey Values"

    Told from the view of Alazurus Darkrune. Patriarch of the Darkrune Cult of Necromancers

    An array of sensations it was, when Alazreal pressed the dagger through the center of my chest. I could feel the cold steel puncture and cut it's way clean through all the way to the hilt. It felt like i was underwater, felt like my hearing and vision had been turned to liquid.

    I could see him standing behind Alazreal. Ikurus, Grinning like the fool of a boy he was. If i could of slapped him right there and then, i would. But i couldn't. Not with my other miscrient of a son jamming the dagger through my chest.

    I knew there returning to me wasn't good. It was risky, too risky for there part.

    I could see the joy in Alazreal's eyes. They were wide and full of blood lust while he pushed all of his weight against the dagger and my chest. Ungrateful scum. I squrmed as blood spluttered from my mouth.

    Then all slowly faded to black. I felt like i was drowning in my own misery. The whirlpool of emotions gathered throughout my head and i became very dizzy. I finaly gave in to temptation, i closed my eyes and drifted away. I would finaly find peace after this hell.

    As of now the point of view will be changed to Ikurus

    "Is he dead" I asked the stupidest question ever.

    "Of course hese dead, idget." Alazreal took a step back, leaving the dagger in father's chest. It was over, we had killed the one man standing in our way. He had kept too many secrets from us, caused too much pain to mother to be given any mercy. I simply grinned and spat on his corpse.

    "What are we to do with his body?" I had surprised myself with a question even more stupid then the first.

    "The hells you think were going to do with it?" Alazreal said in a half sarcastic tone.

    I knew all too well what happened to fallen familey members. The other cultists came in and were shocked to see father killed in his own sleeping quarters. They should have known we would have done something like this. They gathered there bearings and dragged father off to the corpse storing place.

    - A little side note. A foul smelling place it is, let me tell you. Lot's of dead people as you could imagin. Turned a darkish blue color from decay. Each stocked and stacked into piles of ten or so.

    Soon after, Alazreal, the first born, became the new Patriarch of the cult. I, Ikurus, the second born became his 'adviser'. Even though he never took any of my advice, and frankly, i wouldn't of taken my advice either if i were him.

    He was smarter and i knew it. He had worked hard to get where he was.

    I had no idea of the way he would run the cult.

    I was in for a big surprise.

  • Sins of Sons, continued


    _Told from the View Of Ikurus Darkrune

    Ahhh. Thay! It's been way too long. Now, usually, you'de think "Thay? Why would i want to go there? There's nothing but Rampaging Wizards and slaves" Well, mate, that's where your wrong, you simply just don't know where to look…..

    It was raining that night, a drink would do me good. I took a quick glance around then opened the door to my favorite bar. It was quiet. It creaked open. I saw the ten or eleven pathetic slobs slouching over there ale. I grinned, and made my way to the back rooms.

    The polished heels of my boots clicked against the hard floor. My coat swung back and forth slightly as i slowly and casually made my way past them. "Pathetic swine" I said softly to myself through a small snicker. Which, later, i would live to regret. One must have heard me, but stayed quiet nonetheless.

    It was my gold studded red robes, he must have figured i was a Red Wizard.

    Anyway, i made my way past the corner and walked down the poorly lit hall. It got less and less messy, ugly, dark, and damp the farther i went.

    When i finally got to the end and knocked against the wooden part of the stone door. The slit at my head's height opened up...

    "I'll be damned, Ikurus Darkrune!" The voice splurted out through the faint sounds of music from behind the door.

    "Come in, come in!" The door swung open, revealing the huge crowd inside. The music was booming into my ears, the lights glazing my eyes to the point where they were pacticly burning.

    It was beautifull.

    "Good to see you, mate." I politely stated to the rather large bouncer who guarded the door. With a nod he took my coat and hat, i cracked my knuckles, adjusted my hair and walked right in with a grin.

    Underneath my Red Coat, which was now in the hands of the bouncer, i wore my tight black pants, silver chains and studs hanging from them in several places. My shirt was silver and black, real stylish. I adjusts the collar and proceeded to the bar to get a drink.

    I grinned as the women sized me up, i walked right through the dance floor towards the bar. For that one moment i was the center of attention, but of course, i would soon be again thanks to my younger brother...

    "Ikurus! Ikurus, my man!" It was Jazz. Jazz Darkrune, youngest of three sons. He looked just like me. I suppose that's why i like him so much.

    " 'ey jazzy" I said idly as i waved the bar tender for a drink.

    One thing you will realise about jazz, is that he gets himself, and me, into lot's… and i mean Lot's of trouble sometimes.

    He had two women to his right, one to his left, his arms wrapped around the two nearest, one holding a cigar, the other holding a half empty bottle of wine. He was grinning like a cocky bastard. A real grade-A player.

    "Things goin' well fer you, mate?" He asked while one of the women stroked his chest through his shirt.

    I just chuckled and shrugged.

    Bang! The entrance door swung open and clashed against the wall with a loud 'thud'.

    I saw the bouncer take a rather large coat, then i saw him.

    This massive, hairy, smelly, toothy, green half orc. When i saw massive, i mean gigantic. Twice my size. He stomped through the dance floor, sat his rather large rear end on the seat beside Jazz, oposite of my side of course.

    Jazz looked at me with a devious grin. Then he got that look in his eye. That damnable look. Everytime i see it i know somethings gonna go wrong. He grinned and winked, then proceeded to turn to the brute beside him.

    "You look like you could lose a pound or two, mate…"

    He said cooly and calmly through that wretched grin of his.

    The brute grunted, sized Jazz up, then grinned a disturbingly wide, toothy, not to mention yellowish-green grin.

    "Yahs want tu insults Me!?" This monster of a half orc lashed out to Jazz.

    The women around Jazz quickly and hastily got up, and walked away looking rather scared.

    Jazz must have been drunk, because even i'm not stupid enough to press an angry massive half orc's buttons.

    "You heard me you smelly, pompous, rotting, ugly, decomposing piece of Necromancer bait!" Jazz leaned back on his chair, closed his eyes halfway, then discreetly lifted a finger at me, pointing it to my left hand. The half orc must not have noticed, because he didn't go to snap Jazz's head off.

    I knew what he wanted me to do. I knew that the orc was in for a fight. I sighed and shoved my drink to the orc's face.

    Jazz quickly kicked his stool to the orc's feet and begun casting.

    A lept on the table, got my balance and begun casting a spell of my own.

    Jazz, you see, is a master of illusion and enchantments. While i, Ikurus, am a master at simply obliterating things.

    The orc was blinded by the hard liquor, and stumbled down with a loud "boom" to the floor.

    Jazz ended his spell and the orc turned to his back, drooling with a glazed look in his eye.

    I ended mine and sent an acid arrow right to his throat.

    "Time to go, mate!" Jazz yelled to me with a more then amused tone.

    I frowned, the idget was going to get us kicked out or killed. I took a small leap from the table and quickly made my way through the dance floor.

    "Out'v my way, please, were in a bit of a rush, hmm!?" I barked, the people moved and kept gawking at me and my brother, who was grinning the whole time we made our way out.

    The bouncer gave me my coat, which i threw over my shoulders but kept unbuttoned. It's back end swaying back and forth as Me and Jazz made or way accross the long hallway.

    We made it to the corner to turn into the low-life bar. We were un-pleasantly surprised..._

  • Intermission, part two.

    "Sins of sons"

    Told from the view of Ikurus Darkrune

    "You never told me what you did with his body" I asked from behind Alazreal.

    "He wasn't in the storage. I checked." I promptly stated.

    It wasn't exactly the best time, he was busy rumaging through Alazurus' old books. I refuse to call him father, whether it be because he was dead or because i never got to know him.

    "Who?" Alazreal was dancing around the question. Which bothered me. What did he do with him, i wondered.

    "Him, Alazurus. Father." I politely asked again.

    "I don't know what your talking about.." Alazreal answered, his face burried within yet another old dusty book. I don't get why he reads them. There just a bunch of words written on pages. I don't think i'll ever understand wizards.

    "Tell me, damn it!" I blurted out in all the annoyance that had been bubbling on the inside. I hate it when people don't answere. Hate it. It's stupid. When i ask something i want an answere. It's only polite.

    Alazreal closed his book. Slowly straightened his back and turned around. A stern look on his face, despite the wry, almost V-shaped smile.

    "I am leader. I am boss. Me. Not you. Me. Me. I will tell you what you deserve to be told. Until then, your dismissed as my adviser. In fact, get out."

    He tossed a rather hefty bag my way. I cought it and looked inside. It was part of the familey cult's life savings.

    "Go. Go drink. Go dance with those women you always talk about. Go. Get out. What're you waiting for? Leave me alone. Hello, are you listening you incompetant maggot? I told you to leave me alone!" He barked out like some sort of enraged school teacher.

    He hadent spoken like that before. It was strange. He sounded like Alazurus did not too long ago. Before we got rid of him, that is.

    "Fine!" I snapped back, turning my back and gritting my teeth, clutching the bag tightly to my left. "Read your books. Keep your secrets. I hope you stay here and read 'till you die you, you…"

    I couldn't think of an insult big enough to describe his arrogance. I left and begun to walk down the hall, the other cultists glaring at me. Probobly wondering why i was so angry.

    "The hells with it", i thought. "Might as well go get plastered, it beats the hells out of watching you hunch over a pile of books like some sort of gargoyle"

    Gargoyle, that's what i should have called him. He would of been sorry if i had thought of it sooner. Oh well, i was a Nineteen year old male with a bag of gold and a devious mind. Might as well chase the nearest skirt after hitting the nearest bar.

    Spending the familey's money was too easy. You'd think i'de feel guilty for disgracing the cult like that, but i didn't. As for Alazreal, well, i don't think he ever felt guilty for reading Alazurus' old books.

    Point of view will now switch to Alazreal

    I can't believe he interrupted me like that. Doesn't he understand that all the secrets, the key to a better life, all of father's spells, everything, was in these books. Everything .

    "Sins of Sons" to be continued

  • Interesting start to your story, and the style reminds me a bit of Evil Dead. I can almost kinda hear Bruce Campbell's voice narrating for Ikurus.

    Good work!