*A letter for Calendel*

  • Dear Goodman Calendel,

    I, Cyrik Relik, have traveled from King’s Reach in Impiltur on behalf of the Church of Lathander. I have come to bring a new dawn to the Good Lord’s Faithful Allies. I am in service to the benefit of the good people of New Norwick. I will do all within my capacity to ensure that Dawn’s Light shines eternal.

    I have come to understand that you Goodman Calendel look out for the good of the people of New Norwick. At the advice of Goodlady Harmony, I have written to notify you that I am at the service of the good people of New Norwick. If you may offer guidance and the wisdom of your council regarding the important issues facing the good people of New Norwick I would be most grateful.

    I am also charged with learning details regarding the decimation of the old Temple of Lathander. I look forward to any light you may illuminate upon this issue.

    May Dawn’l light guide you,

    Cyrik Relik

  • A letter is handed to Cyrik by one of the Norwick Guard with the wax seal of Norwick upon it…


    _Greetings Cyrik,

    I recall you mentioning your faith and responsibilities that brought you to Norwick when last we adventured together. I am glad to have you within our new walls and welcome such a respectable and faithful man such as yourself. I would be most welcoming to have your efforts available to research the fall of the Shrine of Dawn and would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss other opportuntities within Norwick that one of your faith and ability can provide. Currently we are constructing a new place of Worship within the Realm of Norwick just East of where the current construction is going on in the new townsite. This place of Worship will accomodate not only a shrine to Lathander but also shrine's to other major good dieties predominately followed by the people of the Realm of Norwick and I hope you can assist in it's construction.

    As I said, let's meet and discuss.


    Calendel Engevis
    Advisor to the Chancellor of Norwick
    Norwick Master Healer_

    //ooc: In the future please send private correspondence such as this via a PM. Because your engagement of me was posted here publicly I responded publicly in this forum but it's not for pc to pc chat but rather rumours throughout town. I look forward to talking more IG or through forum PM's. Thanks//