The East Rawlings

  • Word spreads quickly that the new tribe of goblins has finally pushed out all the other tribes and now occupy the East Rawlins unopposed. Their numbers seem to be growing and they patrol the woods ruthlessly striking down trespassers. The East Rawlins is no longer safe for anyone except the seasoned adventurer.

  • //The East wood trees are indeed in a rotting state.

    The place where we retrieve lumber resources is in a secluded area, one that involves travelling through a hidden gully to other side of a forest, where the natural environment it provides(Tall valleys serving as a wall) is unlikely for the fog to reach that area.

    It gives OOC conveniences since we won't be stepping into toe of another DM's plot.

  • ((can we get some clarification on the actual lumber resources in the East Rawlins? my understanding is that all of the wood found in the East is rotted, which solves the problem of needing to go in and face these gobs 🙂 ))

  • _Despite the graveness of the situation the Eastern Rawlins had reflected, a large group of caravans consisting of 30 odd workers, a dozen of Legions and Elite militias, disappeared into the woods for many days for their expedition to harvest lumbers.

    Only in one early morning light, would the people of Norwick witness the caravan returning to town, miraculously unharmed and yet successfully managing to harvest many lumbers judging from the quantity in each wagon. What was once a facade of uncertainty amongst the faces of the workers, are now replaced with one vibrant and hopeful kind.

    Each of them speaks of high praises over the mugs of ale and cheese by the warmth of the fires they sing, of the bravery and prowness of both the Legions and the militias involved, that had successfully repelled dangerous bandits in their dangerous journey._
    **Over mugs of beer and swaft of cheese we sing,
    The might of swords and axes they swing!

    Smited and cleaved they are,
    under the fearsome might of Norwick RAAARGH!

    Down bandits, go home bandits!

    We Norwickens have homes to build,
    lives to build!
    Riches of ours you shall never take,
    in this banditries you make!

    Mighty muscles and cries of the dragons,
    both Legions and mighty militias roar!
    Soon we see bandits NO MORE!

    Over mugs of beer and swaft of cheese we sing,
    The might of swords and axes they swing!

    Over mugs of beer and swaft of cheese we sing,
    The might of swords and axes they swing!

    AH HAH!**
    _However, a somber expression of the Secretary of Norwick is seen when the group returned. One that is recognisable guilt upon her facade, a heavy burden she seems to wear.

    She cannot feel nor share the joys others be embraced, from the warmth it gives. One can only wonder, what had happened during the expedition?_

  • @3a4af104e8=SymphonicRain:

    "This is madness! This expedition is madness!"

    Jerr laughs and comments "Madness? This Is Norwick!"


  • _*Legioniers Theaon and Lyte are seen trudging eastward out of old Norwick, very heavily armored, into goblin held territories.

    When asked, Lyte quietly states they are doing intelligence work for any upcoming caravan trips for wood or stone for Norwick in these regions.

    They return, many hours later, covered in goblin gore, and carrying a hastily drawn map marked with red ambush points, and stained with blood.

    The word "virulent" and "hordes" can be heard as these two Legion leaders discuss strategy around what they found lurking deep in the Rawlinswood.*_

  • Aramuil Holimion regularly reassures people that he is studying the issue and hopes to have a way to stop this soon.

  • Atleast once a day, sometimes more, these patrols get the company of Ezachiel, who uses a large part of his magic to strengthen them, and another part to prepare himself to aid them with his own considerable prowess at fighting when fully prepared, turning into a fearsome fighter when the patrol is in real trouble. The ones he goes out with appear to be in a bit of a better shape when they return.

  • Although the Militia has pulled mostly back to the new borders of the town heeavy patrols are still sent forth into the Rawlinswood to keep up on information and numbers. Tired and bloody patrols can be seen rotating back into the town after these excursions

  • _When such news comes forth, of the changing power and dangers within the rawlins, the Secretary of Norwick time and time again offers words of assurances to the woodsmen, who will be venturing into the Rawlins to harvest lumber in the coming weeks.

    Though there is an air of uncertainty still lingers amongst the woodcutters, despite the Secretary's best efforts._

    The calm and collected, with logical mindset would say:

    "What if we get caught in a cross fire of the tribal wars?"

    The uncertain, but still retaining logical mindset:

    "What happends if I die? Who will feed my family?"

    The paranoid:

    "This is madness! This expedition is madness!"

    Time will tell, if the Legions be the group perhaps, can instill the confidence back to the Norwickens, which they had just savoured it upon the completion of new Norwick.