Fight Night results for the 35th moon event!


    Congratulations to all participants, who made the event one of a fantastic kind! Great sportsmanship was witnessed, great feats were performed!

    Archery Contest!
    1st place:- Cyrian
    2nd place:- Maya
    3rd place:- Juster

    We hope to see all of you again, on the 32nd moon cycle of NORWICK'S FIGHT NIGHT! WITH THE SMITE! Same time, same town! (Weekly Sunday 9pm EST)

    Note to self:
    Dry clean and shrink the archery target

  • Strongest Man/Woman in the Realm-Maya

  • Fight Night results for 10/20/2007:


    1st place - William
    2nd place - Mora

    Red team and blue team tied with a win apiece

    Thanks to Farseer DM and Tornar for running the show!

  • Thanks for the suggestions.

    I'll make the next event flow smoother from the lessons learned.

  • Also, if Archery looks to have a lot of contestants, run it in bouts of 3 people instead of 2?

  • Another way to control the Archery is having a set cut-off time for sign-ups.

    Keeping it open until the first round is over only makes the event suffer while people wait for all the little delays and confusions that this brings.

    This could be handled with shouts IG and/or notices on the forums saying that you MUST be signed up for archery, IG, IN PERSON, by such and such a time, or you miss out.

    This will keep numbers manageable, and keep the poor organizer(s) from wanting to rip their hair out.

  • @4e357222fe=SymphonicRain:

    Note to self:
    Skip archery when there are too many people and straight into CTF instead.

    I was thinking about this. On nights when there is a big archery crowd, we could do CTF first, and/or run half the archery concurrently on a different set of targets (the ones behind the merchants, for example) with a helper referee looking on, having the top two finishers in each half face each other for the title and the two second place finishers face each other for third place.