Jeni under Guard

  • The Warriors wish it to be known that until further notice, visitors to Cera's tree must show their papers to prove they are Gali or Romany, and must be under no running spells.

  • _More strange happenings leave people at unease… A group of three strange women huddled near a fire on the outskirts of the camp, keeping to themselves, aroused suspicion in some of the locals...

    It would seem they did not wish to be disturbed, as rumor has it an altercation broke out when they were questioned. One of the Gypsy Warriors, along with the Wizard Celebring, The Secretary from Norwick Harmony, and a Peltarch Defender later identified as Shannon were known to be involved.

    After striking the Warrior, all three women were held rigid as if by some magic, one ofter the other. Shortly after, they simply collapsed, their bodies melting into the earth, as the story goes...

    Whatever happened, no bodies were found, but it was enough to put the Warriors on edge, doubling the guard on Jeni meanwhile._

  • _Rumor has it that yet another attack on Jeni was stopped by the Warriors.

    This time, the girl was raised, and brought to the Temple of Tyr. Those who escorted her there left the temple, the girl did not._

  • _It seems another attempt on Jeni's life was stopped, but this time there was five of the women in red and black armor who were stopped in the pass by Melanie, before they could even get close to accomplishing their task.

    Four of the bodies were burnt, the fifth was taken up into the roost accompanied by Aelthas, Shannon, Melanie and some of the Warriors. The body was never brought down, some wondering if they just left it up there to rot._

  • _It seems another attack came.. after Camina killed the would-be assassin outside the tree, some young girl who didn't seem quite right in her mind tried to enter the tree.

    After several warnings from Aelthas' second in command, Mira, the girl ran inside, Camina and Mira chasing her in. A very short time later, Mira walked out dragging the unconscious girl to the fires, where Camina offered her a curing potion to heal her wounds.

    After a brief argument between Mira and a dwarf, the dwarf spit in her face and was escorted out of camp by Camina, walking on his own feet, unlike some who meet Camina and are rude to the Romani. Some of the other warriors and Romani did not seem to pleased at the dwarf for his ignorant behavior towards one of their own._

  • Cherry is stopped by on of the young guards fromentering the tree and the young sorceress can only give him..the look

    "Are you KIDDING me?? I know i'm still kinda new around here but you can't stop me from seeing my own grandma!! Someof my things are in there. I've been staying here since beign escorted from the city. You'd have be …almost blind to have not ..fine"

    At the guard's further insistence, Cherry digs her oath outof her pack and shows it, fully stetched open.

    "Ooh if you are worried about any spells on me still why don't you just bring out my granda ma to dispel them from me. She can easily dispel anything I could ever cast."

    _When the guard finally let's her pass, she grumbles al the way to her cot and sees about getting grandma Cera to have a little talk with the young guard.

    Glancing to the lazy panther at fireside Cherry shakes her head._

    "Where are you when I ned you, Mojo?"

    The big cat just gives her one ofhis big yawns and lays over on his side, sliping back into a aatnap.

  • _For part of the day, Aelthas is seen wandering in and out of the tree, sometimes standing guard outside with his men, talking quietly to them. At midday, his Captain, Mira shows up, at which point Aelthas walks out of camp and disappears into the pass heading north.

    He usually isn't seen until early morning when he returns to camp, standing outside the tree once again for part of the day, before wandering north again. The same routine continues for many days.

    When Aelthas isn't there watching Ezachiel, his men seem to watch him like a hawk._

  • For some reason, Ezachiel has been spending some of his spare time near Cera's tree, mostly just reading while relaxing against a nearby tree. He keeps an eye on the entrance, but he never goes in or near it.

  • (( Please rp that you show your papers and prove that you wear no spells before you enter Cera's tree. If you are non Gali, please rp that you are escorted in by a Guard. Thank you))
