Changes in the Realm

  • _As dawn breaks, Dwin exits his headquarters in "new town" as the folks are calling it. His headquarters, which at this point are nothing more than a large tent are still damp with the cold dawn dew that descends on the construction site every morning.

    Slowly, as the sun rises, folks start to come to life. The merchants set up their wares on blankets or tables if they have them. The Dwarven cooks beat their drums to announce to the masons and construction workers that the first meal of the day is ready. Fresh Guards arrive to relieve their fellow guards that served the night shift.

    After slowly pacing the construction site and making some small talk and recommendations on some of the building, Dwin takes a chair to the middle of "new town", mounts it, and blows his small brass trumpet 3 times to get everyone's attention.

    Slowly, people gather around to see what he's up to. Murmurs and jokes are heard in the growing crowd. "Probably just another armor sale," one aging woman says to her nodding friend._

    Fellow Norwickians!

    I daresay that no other group of folks has been through more than we have in the recent years. No other group of souls could have gone through what we have and still remain, that I am sure of.

    As you know, we are constantly being tested here in Norwick, and yet another test has been handed to us. Before I tell you what this is all about, I want to remind you that we can and WILL persevere.

    Lucid, our Chancellor for much of the recent past, has left. He has gone on to pursue other things.

    Dwin waits for the murmuring in the crowd to quiet before he continues.

    We owe Lucid a great deal, and I, for one will remember his time here with gratitude and respect. I encourage you all to do the same. Were it not for his tireless efforts, who knows where we would be today? He helped to lead us from the dark of the old years when less tolerable folks held his office. Under his leadership, the "town" of norwick became the "realm" of Norwick and has repaired relationships where there used to be none. he gave us all he could in his time, and we are lucky to have had it.

    I spoke to him before he left, and he and I agreed that I would continue to serve you as a Lord of the Realm, and that I will now sit in the Chancellor's seat, which is currently in that tent over there smiles and chuckles as he points over his shoulder I've known many of you since you were babes, and some of your parents-parents since they were babes as well. Norwick has always been my home and will continue to be as I serve as your Lord Chancellor.

    Calendel, our faithful Advisor and healer will continue in his role and help advise me as I lead us forward. Aelhaern o the Scouts and Mord of the Guards will likewise continue to report into me as they serve our defense.

    Harmony, who many of you have gotten to know recently, will likewise stay on as the Tax Collector and trade Adviser. She will continue to grow our relationships with other lands and make sure that Norwick is the hub of commerce and activity that it is destined to be.

    This afternoon, in light of these changes, I have declared that all those who are working can take a holiday. Ale and food will be available for all here in "new town" so that we can celebrate new beginnings. Get what ya need to done by mid-day so that you can enjoy in the celebration!

    If any of you have any questions, you know where to find me smiles If you happen to see Lucid, wish him luck.. do not be sad or upset… he has his own journey to continue and we are lucky he stopped off here as long as he did.

    _Dwin gets down and carries the chair back to his tent while fielding some questions from townsfolks and his staff. He spends the rest of the day in the shade of his tent meeting with staff members and going over status reports with his foremen.

    Once the kegs are rolled out and the food is laid upon tables, folks start wandering in and laying down their tools to enjoy in a seldom-seen celebration. Dwin heads off to the south to make sure that anyone still guarding the old town knows they can come and enjoy the feast as well.

    As he tells the guards a the old South gate that they can go take a break, he sees some bright color out of the corner of his eye. Approaching the statue on the western side of the gate he sees that someone has laid countless flowers upon its base and weaved a halo of bright flowers that now sits upon the elven-statues head._

  • Z, simply, nods and smiles slightly