A thin stranger walks into the camp...
A thin stranger walked into town with his sister at his side. At closer
inspection, blemishes were seen on the surface of his exposed skin.He and his sister quietly move to each Rom asking them something. Each Rom shook their heads "no." The siblings, very distraught, rode off on the caravan that was headed towards Jiyyd.
King Horgan Mearst approached the suffering man and lifted the curse. The Kingâ€
s bloodline is established much to the joy of many Rom. Years ago they were an eager band under his reign and were sadden at his tragic loss and need to recover.
"Better days are ahead for our brother has returned to us proud and strong once again."
The thin stranger and his sister returned. It seems that they have been seeking a gypsy king to remove a curse from the dying brother. A gypsy witch in a wandering band cursed the brother. Apparently, it was a misunderstanding of sorts. The brother was caught ::coughs:: flirting with the daughter of the witch. Only a gypsy king can remove such a curse.
There seems to be something unspoken and an uncomfortable avoidance of these two by the Rom recently. They are welcomed to stay but they keep repeating there is no king.
Cera spoke with the spirits and discovered that there is a gypsy king in the camp. He once reigned there with his family. Unfortunately, tragedy came upon his family and he took to drinking asking to be relieved of his duties until he is fit once again.
Whispers and many private discussions have occurred recently. Babaâ€
s tree house has been frequented by many Rom recently.