A Notice Posted inside the crafting Hall in Norwick

  • Seeking apprentices and members of the craftin union interested in a trip ta gather craftin materials. Any who wish to come contact Colonel Mord Cabro in the Norwick Militia Guards barracks or post a reply here. The trip will take place in a week and the destination will depend on what persons reply and what they be interested in.


    ((This is short notice but I am looking for anyone that meets the criteria above. The trip will begin on Friday the 13th at 9:30 pm EST from Norwick. Please include what materials you are interested in aquiring and we will pick a destination. This will help cut down on the start up time. I would like to leave as close to the time above as possible. It could be delayed for good RP but not for laggers 🙂 You can post notes IC here or send me a PM))


  • The letter "Z" is neatly written at the top of the list. No preference for location and/or resource is indicated.