
  • Added

    • New Scripts Systems*
    • Event Schduler
    • Custom AI Hook System
    • New Items *
      More Visual Effect Tokens
      Almost 100 Effect Tokens

    • Modifications*
      Reduced CR of Oscuran Crypt Undead
      Removed Poison from Hatchling spiders
      Removed Giants from coldstone mountains
      Gypsy Colorband guards have correct gypsy faction
      Raven Rift and Crumbling Docks have more light
      An apple tree in Rawlins
      Update to Friar Fred's house

    • Removed *
      Unused store, trigger, encounter, sounds, and waypoint blue prints removed.

    Note: There is a quite possibility that I may have accidentally removed something needed. I went over everything I removed.. but you never know. If some is gone that was around before, let me know, and I'll get it back in ASAP.

    2nd Note: No bugs were addressed. Bug update tomorrow.