Missing Body

  • Upon the retrieval of the body of a young elf. It being left with the Friar for safe keeping of the dead. One day the body just up and dissappeared in the middle of the night with no trace of what happened to it. Some of the folks of Norwick have been told it may be the body Of Bilbow, but none have seen him since his fall to the goblins in the east woods. Many late quiet nights you can hear the screams of a young elf ring out through the Rawlins wood.

    Bilbow- Fallen wolf

  • It has been some weeks since Green found the body of her friend, one of the first to help her upon her arrival in Norwick, lying not far from the safety of Norwick, overburdened with tin-ore and admidst the bodies of many fallen goblins.

    Tears coursed down her face as she carried Bilbow to the Friars. So soon, he had fallen, after his and her mentor, the wise wolf Grivel.

    She lay Bilbow in the Chapel, and took his Wolf-Cloak and his blackened armor for safekeeping. She than sat, and prayed fervantly to Mielikki, for her friends safe return.

    Too many of the protector's of the Woods had fallen of late, and too many of the young Bowstresses friends.

    No sign there was, from her Goddess. No confused, naked elf Ranger for her to comfort, returned from the dead.

    She waited through the night, and into the next day.

    Finally, greatly troubled and filled with sorrow, she wandered off into the forest.

    Days past, and still no sign of her friend. She returned Bilbow's enchanted cloak to a Wolf she knew, telling herself he would be back for it. She kept his armor in her pack, even though it slowed her steps a little.

    She was not ready to let Bilbow go, as he was young and full of promise, and surely, there was work yet in the forest for him to do.

    Some weeks had passed and Green could be found sitting in an oak overlooking the walls of Norwick, listening casually to some gossip about that bad intentioned Icky fellow and his many triumphs over girls who ought to know better, when she heard it.

    An unmistakable, sad lament from somewhere behind her, deep in the wood.


    As soon as it started in was gone, and try as she might, after leaping from the tree, Mielikki's little bowstress could not locate the source of the cry.

    She ended the night sitting sadly in a stump, thinking of friends gone but not forgotten, and wondering where her own path would one day lead her.

    It was a restless meditation, and she could not help but wonder if there wasnt something she might do to help her friend Bilbow find his way back to little Norwick, or find peace.