Fall of the Shrine of Lathander

  • _Last nights fog was exceptionally heavy and cold. It rolled into town masking everything in white. When finally the sun emerged the next morning the town looked as it has been. Least until the Shrine of Lathander is visited. Where cool refreshing water was, now a brackish quagmire exists. All the greenery is dead, the shrine destroyed, the statue shattered. event he fountain was seemingly crumbled. Where was a sense of peace and well being persisted, now death and hopelessness await. Citizens can't help but return from the shrine teary eyed and downcast. The one place thought immune to the death and destruction has fallen. Not a hint of goodness remains, not a hint of holy magic remains. It is by all accounts dead.

    Abandon hope all ye of faith, for the shrine of Lathander, the light of the land, has fallen casting the citizens into darkness_

  • The ever-nosy Aramuil Holimion can be seen examining the ruins, muttering to himself and occasionally gesturing and making notes in a thick notebook.

  • A dawnbringer arrives in Norwick to assess the situation and bring forth a new dawn to the ruined town

  • Calendel, advisor to the Chancellor and proprietor of Friar Fred's has the town herald spread the word that he has an important announcement he will hold on the steps of the Great Hall.

    As the crowd finishes gather out front Calendel speaks…

    _"Thank-you citizens and friends of Norwick for assembling as quickly as you have. As you all know Norwick has been under great stress from the fog that has settled in and the dangerous presence that surrounds us whether from the Graveyard to the East or the Rawlingswood to the South. As you all have heard by now, the blessed Shrine of Dawn dedicated to Lathander the Morning Lord has been desicrated. Not only that but it's land made foul and the water impure. I have visited the site to review it during some of the cleanup activity being held there and have determined the land cursed and no longer an appropriate location for the Shrine to be rebuilt.

    I am making a call to all of you to find me a chosen cleric of Lathander with the power to hallow an area for a new Shrine to be rebuilt. This cleric, being the material plane's representative of Lathander, must be willing to oversee the preparations for such an endeavor, raise the funds and supplies required, and oversee the construction. Once completed the cleric will need to perform the opening ceremony to dedicate the site to Lathander.

    If a cleric willing to take on this task is not located soon, the Town of Norwick will begin discussions with other spiritual leaders who may wish the same such opportunity to construct a shrine for their own diety.

    That is all."_

    Calendel returns through the doors into the Great Hall while the town herald begins to rant on about some other trivial announcements and notices with most of the crowd really only paying attention to the obituaries listed as more and more people mysteriously succumb to the effects of the fog at night.

    //PM myself or Lucidious if you play a cleric of Lathander and are interested. Otherwise in a week or so we'll put out a call to other groups interested in a Shrine. No point having a Shrine to Lathander in Norwick if there isn't even a dedicated cleric ig anymore. This post has recieved Lucidious' approval prior to posting.//

  • _A solitary figure in white has been seen in what remains of the shrine, desperately trying to rejunvinate the desolate ground with magic and small plants.

    It is whispered that the shrine had held some special significance to the woman and her love, a paladin of Lathander, such that she keeps returning from one day to the next, focused singularly on the task._

  • The pieces of the fountain that was dedicated to Lliira have already been removed.

  • _A new announcement is relayed by the Chancellor's Secretary, words of assurance that is from the Chancellor himself, that the Shrine will be rebuilt and overwatched with improved security measures when it is done.

    In addition she lets it all be known that a prominent militia member by the name of Locrian, a follower of Lathander, is currently tasked in rebuilding the Shrine.

    A job opportunity is also open to all those able to contribute in means of physical labour and or compatible clerical abilities to rebuild the Shrine. Those interested should seek Locrian in person to have better understanding in the details of the work involved. Payment and reward will be given out accordingly when the rebuilding is complete.._

  • A certain very large paladin who has been known to go about Norwick with a great big grin before returning for long hours at the shrine seems almost extinguished and his previously unswaying optimism seems to have vanished for the time being. He seems incredibly distressed over this latest occurrence.

  • Ocean arrives with a look of extreme sadness and starts to collect all the pieces of the small shrine to Lliira that stood in the corner.

  • When news of the shrines desecration reaches Cyrians ears he packs up his gear and prepares to leave his home in the rawlinswood, making his way into town and into the location of the shrine where he will set himself up for a very long stay.