
  • The strange green-cloaked traveller, spoken of in rumor and frequently spotted outside of Peltarch near a tree to the east, is seen moving hastily through the city, inexplicably shedding portions of his cowled disguise along the way. Hood still drawn, he arrives in the commons at highsun. The area is populated by an assortment of laborers and other civilians on their lunch hour, yet the man addresses no one in particular:

    "I have lost nearly everything…

    And yet for my faith in the High One and my confidence in the steadfastness of the citizens of the Jewel, I return...

    I am truly at your mercy, and at your service..."

    He removes the hood to reveal…

  • DM

    :: Barrim looks up from his goblet of wine, and looks at an aide carrying papers to and from his office ::

    "Rumours abound of an old face from Peltarch's past wandering around…. Whom is it?"

  • Fedar stares at the man, intrigued

    Who're ye again?

  • _…a pale reflection of Evendur Mildsilver, a man who was once called Senator of Peltarch and Keeper of Spellweaver. In spite of his physical frailty his piercing blue eyes have not lost their fervor, although they are uncharacteristically wet with tears.

    The uncloaked man, satisfied at whatever he has accomplished through this public revelation, swiftly departs to the west. What happens next is likely for the gods to decide._