Strange behaviour?

  • The story being passed around, rumored to have been spread by a bard newly arrived in Norwick, is that a pair of hooligans pretending to be hired by Lucidious while he was on leave, invited said bard into Lucidious' office on the pretense of healing him, yet tried to play tricks, and in a fit of anger, one of the hooligans broke a chair. While attempts were made to apprehend this pair, nothing came of it, and they were chased out of town. It is unknown whether this pair is still around and wishing to cause trouble. Word is that the pair go by the name of Jerry and Helena, and are dressed in circus performer like attire. Anyone noticing any strange behavior from this pair might do wise to report it to a higher authority.

  • Tale spreads of the two pranksters and the name Spaten is on the tongues of a few guards. When asked about the incident one of the gate guard at the time tells the tale of the incident.

    "See the hin, Spaten Masten, was dosing over 'dere on the benchs by the fire. The two hooligans grabben some chairs and placed them all around him as he slept. 'den the freaks took off all their cloths and stood about the sleeping 'in. Spatty there woke up and about fell off the bench, surrounded by chairs and two naked fools seemed to not be what he remembered fallen asleep to. I dunno what the 'ells was going on but i didnae wanna get invovled. This elf gent was there too, Thorn people called him, he bought the pair some cloths and walked away seeming a bit defiled. Then outta no where one of the pair runs up and knocks Spatty in the back of the head and runs off. The little 'in gave chased and called the man a coward but didnea catch him and was left only to fume at the man's friend. But it didn't end there, this is where 'ells broke loose. The fool who ran away come back and tried to get Spaten a second go, but the 'in was ready dis time. Dis time the hin dodged the man and clocked him hard in the face, harder den i expected a 'in to punch, just bout knocked the man out. Anyways this the part Dwin came in on and i'm not really allowed to talk about what happened. But i can say we had the man tied to a chair for awhile but couldn't find his friend. Some things happened, man was drug off to jail, the other, killed. Bout it, not much else to say besides the fact that no one had ever seen the two before.

    //This was really funny. i was cooking lunch and was afk. I come back and two naked humans are standing next to me and im surrounded by chairs. I help Thorn give em some cloths and sit Spatty down before returning to my bacon. I come back and one of the farker hits spaten and runs off. he trans out of the norwick map and i don't chase, he comes back and is still hostile to me, runs by Spatty and get sneak attacked automatically for half his life. I stopped the fighting from continuing and Dwin took over the rest. But yeah I'm with the Dolvak on this one, i have no idea what the hell was going on OOC. To me it seems like two new plays that and died or something and were simply fooling around. But who knows, might have been planned, they knew the god system pretty well, names at least.

  • ((Poor Danaley would have spent a long time looking for them and not found them in the lake.))

  • Danaley of the Watchfull Repose is seen stripping himself down, and recovering the bodies, and giving them a proper burial off away from town a bit to the west, commenting that bodies left floating in lakes often lead to malevolent wraiths, then warming himself by the fire for a while before heading off armoured again.

  • Dwin smirks and says that the only strange behavior you might see from them now is called "floating" since we dumped their carcasses in the lake.

    ((I logged on in the middle of something… some unsanctioned PK, some faction-guard issues, and some odd appearance of a mephit. In the end, the 2 trouble causers were dead, which IC/OOC was OK with me. Not sure if there was a DM involved or not because I had to log as well... but all of the RP was pretty good!))