• As the previous nights fog cleared, Dokk awoke to find himself in yet another strange place. Dokk being Dokk, it really didn't bother him too much, it was just another setback in finding a spot to call home…again.
    Two years in that dank and rainy kingdom of what's-it's-name... (Dokk's not too good with names) was enough for any warrior from the northern tribes of Icewind Dale to tolerate. Well that or the constant undead incursions and fights with villagers who kept calling him a cally-ban or whatever, was enough to make any honorable follower of Tempus go mad. Dokk being a noble sort (for a half-orc) just fought the smelly walking corpses and begrudgingly ran when the ungrateful village folk threw rocks and garbage, calling him names and saying he was demon-touched. Dokk always felt bad for the villagers, because it seemed like they were always scared of anything new and unfamiliar. Though Dokk did manage to make a friend or two, he was usually driven out of town by a mob of screaming townsfolk. A trend he found increasingly annoying, and only his faith in Tempus kept him from slaughtering a poorly armed and fearful mob.

    Dokk sat up, scratched his head and took in his surroundings... Trees... Trees and more trees... Looking up he noticed something he has rarely seen in the last couple of years... Unfiltered sunlight... and the wildlife. Dokk looked about the forest he was in and saw all sorts of game animals and fowl. Dokk scratched his head again and looked for his axe... and couldn't find it anywhere. Then Dokk realized he was dressed in rags, his armor and pack all gone. Maybe he was robbed while he was unconcious? But wait a minute... That wizard opened a glowing door and he fell into it... So he wasn't out for long. Stupid wizards... picking fights with the gypsy folk who let him stay without trying to hurt him. It was a wizard's spell that first sent him to that godsforsaken place to begin with, so naturally a wizard spell would send him someplace else. (Stupid wizards and their magic.)

    Slowly getting up and recovering from the slight wave of dizziness, Dokk got his bearings and started towards the rising sun, stopping only to pry a sizable branch from a good and sturdy oak tree to use as a club. Swinging his new club as he walked, Dokk looked around for some good flint to make some sort of game skinning knife and for anything edible this new place may have to offer. With a new place to explore Dokk can only hope he has finally found his old homeland, or at least a land where he can make a suitable home for himself.