Suggestions and Monestary - ooc

  • I humbly request some drops in the underground, and some more variety in foe-difficulty, for the next build. We have a number of high levels for whom the ant-men are simple foes and the drow impossible. Some middle ground would be appreciated! [smiles]

    Also, Pinky, please give me some information on cost details for the construction of a monestary, limits and restrictions, and a deadline for the design.


  • Addendum - I finally managed to isolate and slay a formorian taskmaster. They, too, give zero experience to a level nine character.

  • Fault of the game engine. As i said, this is common knowledge in arnath and should be one of those thing guards warn adventurer's about before heading out. however anyone that doesn't frequent arnath often likely wouldn't have this as "common knowledge" ((Thoug you all are in the forum so you are around the city 😉 ))

    Frankly i dont want to see one of us die to something they would've theoritically known about easily IC

  • Wow… I didn't know that, either. I don't use a lot 'magic' anyways...

    But why don't healing bags work? They're not magic, they're medicines and whatnot, right?

  • Yes. Yes same with spells.


    From what i understand supernatural ability like monk healing and bard song don't work in the majority of the places

    HCR healing kits don't work

  • so potions will be quaffed but will have no effect? Spells the same?

    Do existing spell effects cancel?

    How about monk abilities? I know I was able to use my healing factor…

    ...and the hardcore rules healing kits also fail?

  • Actually. I Believe ((Will have to double check the book)) that the Deep Imaskari's main city is around this area. Even if its not, with the wealth of ancient power under narfell (potentially) it would be realistic that a group of them that are more in line with the older Imaskari would travel over this way and form a small little stronghold and then hope to find such things.

    And attlen, the majority of the underground is Dead Magic. I have no problem telling you this on the forum because its common knowledge around arnath. For the most part the lands around arnath are dead magic

  • Magic doesn't work where? I'm an Arnath-newbie…

  • Liking the idea, Zyph. Deep Imaskar might be a bit too far from where we are though?

  • I believe this is one thing that is going to get worked on. Things really have to get tweaked with the underground. For one, anything down there should have a slightly more CR due to the fact that potions, healing bags, magic all doesn't work if you do it down there.

    Also, the drow don't really count as one of the enemies i'd say should be fighthing for anyone in arnath as that is basically asking for a war. Its like going into jiyyd and attacking citizens as a norwick person for XP 🙂

    What personally i think would be cool? Set up a sort of bandit things…but instead a rival small city causing arnath problems. Put it behind a large cave much like the bandits is. Make it a Deep Imaskari camp that is searching for relics of narfell past. They could be looked at as rivals for trade, resources, food, and land as well as could be a small conflict between the cities. You could then set up different areas.

    Low level area = Food area. Have a few "Rothe" (Cows) here and some low level Imaskari.

    Mid Level Area = Ore. Possibly slightly nicer then on the surface. Medium level imaskari mining parties

    High Level Area = The actual cave into thier home

    Just a possible thought that could add "underdark" flavor, give us some comabt zones, and even push off a whole UG storyline for us