Statue of Lucidious vandalized

  • _The statue of Lucid found at the south fire seems to have been a victim of pranks. Once manly looking statue had been turning into a beautiful and feminine one, lipsticks and cheek blush applied over it, his robes painted taunting pink.

    Behind the statue's head, words were carved into it that reads:

    "Lucid, the brave,

    the hero,

    the cherry poppers,

    Maidens beware"_

  • Council of Moradin

    :Gulir chuckles as he passes:

    Funny that…

    Me think tha statue closer te tha action than him ever got.

    :snorts, drinks another ale, and waddles off:

  • _Dwin is seen looking at the statue with a stonemason and discussing the removal of the vandal's work. The Dwarven mason shakes his head, more out of frustration that his own work was ruined than from anything else.

    Ladders are erected, and with great care the statue's head is removed completely. The mason has it put in a cart and carried back to the Dwarven hold where he can work on it. A dark shroud is quickly placed back over the statue so that the headless figure does not portray any unwanted messages or relay any fate-bound inferences.

    Dwin then has a rather animated conversation with the guard detail and gestures more than once to the_ other statue. As he leaves, one of the guards moves closer to the Dwarven statue and appears to have taken up a new position.

  • After noticing the statue, Corana takes a seat at its base and sets her greataxe down beside her, in easy reach, while she watches the passers-by with her icy glare.

  • Mord looks at the statue on his rounds and stops for a moment. He glances at teh guard deatail on duty then simply shrugs and moves on a Thin smile on his face