A strange man in yellow and white comes with a challenge!

  • A man, covered in a exquisite robe of gold and white, was seen entering the commons and drawing a bit of attention. Adventurer's took note, listening to his tale, and intrigued by it have begun to spread the words to those that did not see it first hand.

    Greetings citizens of this country, I come to you with a great challenge! I am known as Azhul the Wanderer, a planar traveler and sage. I delight in history and challenges and it is for this purpose I come here to you this day.

    Soon I begin a great game, a challenge for any and all to participate in. Those who do, and do so successfully, will be given the chance for immortality. The more parts of this game you win, the better your chances are. Though I warn you, there can be danger in this contest; however, it is a challenge that needs more brains than brawn.

    This contest may be completed singularly, in a set group, or by random coming together of individuals. How you choose to do it, I do not care…however I would advise not tackling it alone. Clues will only have a set amount of time to be answered, and when the next set is given out the previous clues will be unable to be completed. There will be a total of 12 clues, each worth one point.

    As I said, I am a sage, and as such much of this will incorporate lore of your land. Many things may be tied to guilds or organizations. Still others may require multiple people. As such, talking with others and seeking out information will be as important as doing the quests themselves.

    I shall be able to be found here in the city, and will give what additional aid I can in regards to the clues that I give. I am also willing to come along to view some of your attempts if you wish, though I shall only be an observer and not aid in any way in this capacity.

    You may contact me if you are interested in this game, or simply wait until you solve the first clue; either way is fine as the clues will be made public. I wish you all the best of luck, and may Shaundakul bless you in your travels during this endeavor.

    With that, he departed, heading towards the Mermaid and purchasing a fine room there.

    ((OOC This is a player ran plot that I am doing. Any interested in participating should focus their attention on this thread in the Peltarch forums as subsequent things will be posted here. However, the plot will span across all of Narfell and is not Peltarch centric. It is open to any level of characters, and any number of players. The first clues for this plot will be given tomorrow))

  • It is announced that only a few tendays remain for this round of the Quest.

    ((ends saturday))

  • The strange wizard in Gold and White appears once more from his room in the mermaid to speak in the commons. His voice is loud, carrying over the crowd, and crackling with wisdom and intellect as he addresses those present.

    Adventurer's of Narfell, today I bring the first THREE CLUES of the Wanderer's Quest. Hear them well and remember them fully, for hidden within the words will be the keys to winning this game. Each clue successfully completed will garner those that fulfilled it one point, drawing you closer to the possibility of Immortality.

    HERE are you clues!


    To respect the past, we must feel and remember it. Many of adventurer's were kept within the jails of a "Queen's" home. And though she could never truly get ahead…though many others did indeed get a head...still she caused many good men trouble. Fill the three cells with one or more beings for at least a short time, and leave behind a circular token of irony in the room to mark your stay when you depart.


    Find you two of the famous brews of the land, along with any other drinks you wish, and gather together at least 5 people and this next task you can complete. Search out former entrance to the valley who housed men and women who were not just allies, but friends. Raise your glasses and give a toast, to those inn whose memory you are to drink. Enjoy the day with festivities and fun and afterwards bring me the bottles of those two famous brews you drink at the party.


    In a cave, whose level is singular, there resides the two huts. In one such home lives an irregular member of the dwellings resident race, which does not resemble a pig in the face. He cares not for traps nor tricks, for blood nor bones, but for gems and friendly souls.

    Take with you ten stones of blue and knock upon the left most door thrice. Once completed, open the door and leave the stones. While you may not see the strange creature come forward, he will reward you with somethimg to bring back to me.

    There are my clues, use them well and be true. Use your mind and your mouth, and you shall come out on top in this quest. May Shaundakul bless you in your travels to find the answers.

    And with that, he departs back to the Mermaid for the time being as people begin to question what the clues could mean.

    ((OOC…Please, DO NOT POST ANSWERS IN THIS THREAD, however you can post any requests to find others to help out or character reactions to the clues or the quest.

    For Clue 1 send me a screen shot of whatever you have in the cells, and a screen shot of the token you lave behind. (No, it doesn't have to be the original item, just the same TYPE of item)

    For Clue 2 send me a screen shot of the party, and tell me what brews you had there.

    For Clue 3 send me a screen shot of the rocks on the ground in the proper place, and the emote for the knock (Can be on the same screen shot). I shall reply back with what the creature gives you.

    With all these, please include the names of all PC's that were present.

    GOOD LUCK!))

  • Raising his eyebrow at the chance of immortality, Jeremy quickly finds the sage to tell him that he is interested.