Sisterhood Trading Post

  • Keira diverts some time away from the refugee cookfires and patrolling to announce that at Lucidious' request she'll be trading in a variety of interesting items from around the region. Those that have known Keira for some time might be surprised at the confidence and surety she exhibits as she sets up in a tent near the Sisterhood cookfires.
    _'Things Bought! Things Sold! A portion of all profit made goes to help the rebuilding! Want something we don't have? We'll try to get it for you!

    'Want something sold? We can sell it for you, or arrange an auction. Rare and valuable things a specialty!_

    She directs common enquiries to the sign and current stock list
    ((Send PMs or contact IG))

    Want something we don't have yet? Just ask and we'll try to get it, or find someone who has.
    Belt - enchanted with magic to protect the wearer, or give them enhanced strength or coordination
    Interesting rings - best prices paid.


    Masterwork Dagger - 350
    Masterwork Shortsword - 350
    Masterwork Morningstar - 350
    Masterwork Greataxe - 350
    Masterwork Whip - 330
    Enchanted Sickle(+1) - 3000
    Enchanted Katana(+1) - 3000

    Masterwork Talon Gloves - 2500
    Gauntlets with three large curved blades over the knuckles. Best suited for powerful raking strikes. (+1Atk, +2slash damage)

    Kara-Turan Slippers - 3800
    Exquisitely made, silken slippers in dark fabric. Delicate construction can result in chills in cold weather. (+1AC, +2Hide, +2MS)

    Dark Harvest Buds - 150
    "These sour buds sharpen hand-eye coordination, relax the imbuer's muscles and highten tactile sensibility, causing a significant increase in reflexes and response time." (Cat's grace)
    Dark Harvest Nuts - 150
    "These nuts taste bitter and dry. Once stomached however they produce a sensation of health and well being for a few hours." (Endurance)
    Forbidden Fruit - 150
    "This pulpy fruit has a very potent but pleasant taste. It is said that eating it opens one's eyes to "the beyond". This fruit is usually passed around during important religious rituals and at certain private 'gatherings'." (Owls Wisdom)
    Seeds of Rage - 150
    "These little gruesomely foul tasting seeds cause the imbuer's muscles expand and become tight knit, creating a noticeable increase in strength for a few hours." (Bull Strength)
    Tamarind Sprig - 150
    "This plant is normally chewed to extract the acidic juices that it excretes. The plant is known to stimulate the mind and make it more focused and alert." (Fox's Cunning)
    Winter Solstice Nuts - 150
    "These sweet nuts grown only at the precise time before the winter solstice give anyone who consumes them an increased sense of personal power and beauty, affecting people's perspective of them for a short time." (Eagle's Splendor)
    Shan Yao - 400
    The essence of this Kara-Turan root is distilled and refined into a powder. When ingested (or inhaled for rapid relief) it provides a remedy to even the most virulent poisons. It can even be administered to another, perhaps incapable of using a potion.

  • _Keira updates the stocklist and spreads word that she's interested in purchasing rare or unique items.

    The Sisterhood are also happy to list and sell on behalf of people that would rather not be publicly identified, for a small commission._

    ((Yes, a proportion of profits made does still go to Lucidious/Norwick. Ask him if you don't believe me πŸ™‚ ))

  • OOC: I'm not sure if I will be able to be IG for the auction, but here are two things I would like you to know.

    IC: Bid up to 4500 gold on the Ring of Lost Souls.

    asks Keira, confidentially, concerning the oversized ring from Elridith, to see the markings on it to see if they match with those seen in the temple. If so, purchase at all costs.

  • @693c79190a=sciolist:


    Auction in aid of rebuilding Norwick

    An auction will be held in Norwick on the day of the Feast of the Moon to encourage the return of traders, settlers and other people to the re-claimed town. Norwick will once again be a bastion of defence against the savage creatures of the South and safe haven for those who trade or build honestly with the resources of the Rawlinswood.

    Any wishing to have items listed should contact Keira either at the Sisterhood, or in Norwick itself. No item too small or too valuable!

    A list of available lots will be posted in Norwick

    Seller Information
    Items will be listed in auction at no cost. On successful sale, 10% of the sale price will go to Norwick to cover costs incurred in the rebuilding and rehoming of both refugees and new settlers to the area. Those interested in more permanent trade arrangements within Norwick should contact Chancellor Lucidious, or Dwin of the Craft Union.

    ((PM me with items you wish sold and any reserve or minimum price you'd want for it. ))

    Event time and date:
    Saturday 19th May - 2200UTC/GMT
    1800 Eastern US (daylight saving)
    2300 GMT+1 (UK daylight saving)
    0800 Sunday Australia Eastern (Brisbane)

    Auction Items - Armor
    Masterwork Brass Fullplate crafted by Dwin Dolvak plus 1000gp customisation voucher at Vanity Plates ((OOC Reserve 6325gp))
    Mingal's Black Armor ((Iron fullplate OOC reserve 3827))
    Fencer's Whites - starting at 2000
    Half Plate - starting at 500

    Unique Enchanted Bastard Sword (+2 magic, +d4slash)
    Fine enchanted Longsword (+1) plus 200gp customisation voucher at Vanity Plates
    Balanced Compound Longbow crafted by Melanie Stern plus 400gp customisation voucher at Vanity Plates (+1atk +2Mighty) ((OOC Reserve 2587))
    Knife of the Fey Friend (light, Sleep 1/day)

    Ring of Lost Souls (Ghoul touch 2/day)
    Oversized ring, elemental inscription (green light, 5/Acid Resistance)

    Many other sundry items!

    Anyone wishing to place anonymous bids should contact Keira with the item of interest and their maximum bid.

    ((Any other item submissions, please PM me soonest so I can try to drum up some interest, thanks))

  • ((The dagger he said was evil, sinberries are not on the list and FOIG means Find Out In Game. There is a potion that says good chars drinking it should get evil points and Paladins should auto-fall, the stuff that Keira is selling isn't that))

  • @86e31f3286=sciolist:

    ((OOCly they are not evil. They are nuts and seeds. incapable of moral judgement.))

    Like the dagger and the Sin Berries?? :?:


    Many have heard of it, many have not. The Zhentarim has been selling Sorien's Dark Harvest across the land for a while now.

    Didn't find the "If you use these potions you'll get slammed with evil points" post, yet. But I found this post in Oscura which I'm going to assume is public IC knowledge.


    The potion that should give people evil points is actually sold in the <foig>not in Oscura))</foig>

    What does <foig>mean? I'm guessing it means you don't want to actually say the name, but what does FOIG mean? Just curious.


    (( as always, I'd rather see these types of issues handled ic'ly. You both brought this up ic/ig and dealt with it perfectly, kudos to you:) I'd rather continue down that path. Lets not turn this thread into a ooc good/evil item debate. We can start up a new thread somewhere for ooc issues from using certain items, I think that would be more appropriate. ))

    No problem, I agree. I was just looking for OOC clarification so I could RP it appropriately. I was hoping a DM would comment, but I think I can take it from here… πŸ˜‰</foig>

  • (( as always, I'd rather see these types of issues handled ic'ly. You both brought this up ic/ig and dealt with it perfectly, kudos to you:) I'd rather continue down that path. Lets not turn this thread into a ooc good/evil item debate. We can start up a new thread somewhere for ooc issues from using certain items, I think that would be more appropriate. ))

  • ((OOCly they are not evil. They are nuts and seeds. incapable of moral judgement.
    The potion that should give people evil points is actually sold in the <foig>not in Oscura))</foig>

  • @c0c64acb3e=sciolist:

    // AFAIK none of these items are evil. Well, except maybe for the Drow Knife (duh!). Please let me know if casting detect evil at Keira's merchandise πŸ™‚ 'It's an Evil Table, I tell you!'

    The blood-tasting nastiness is something called a Sin Berry and isn't listed here. I'll check the Talon gloves, I was writing them from memory at work //

    ///My question wasn't so much asking if they were evil (OOCly we all know they are evil). I was just asking if ICly they were know to be evil by the general public. The descriptions hadn't been edited, as I suspected, it was the Sin Berries I was thinking of.

    ICly Z already THINKS they are evil based on the fact that the only place they are sold is in Oscura (of course) by some seedy guy who also sells the Sin Berries coated in human blood and a few other "questionable" things.

    Finally, I VAGUELY recall a post stating that if a good aligned character used these potions they would lose good alignment points (and gain evil points). I can't find that post, but I haven't had time to really search for it. I'm not sure if this is still true or not.

  • @e5b767897c:

    Auction in aid of rebuilding Norwick

    An auction will be held in Norwick on the day of the Feast of the Moon to encourage the return of traders, settlers and other people to the re-claimed town. Norwick will once again be a bastion of defence against the savage creatures of the South and safe haven for those who trade or build honestly with the resources of the Rawlinswood.

    Any wishing to have items listed should contact Keira either at the Sisterhood, or in Norwick itself. No item too small or too valuable!

    A list of available lots will be posted in Norwick

    Seller Information
    Items will be listed in auction at no cost. On successful sale, 10% of the sale price will go to Norwick to cover costs incurred in the rebuilding and rehoming of both refugees and new settlers to the area. Those interested in more permanent trade arrangements within Norwick should contact Chancellor Lucidious, or Dwin of the Craft Union.

    ((PM me with items you wish sold and any reserve or minimum price you'd want for it. ))

    Event time and date:
    Saturday 19th May - 2200UTC/GMT
    1800 Eastern US (daylight saving)
    2300 GMT+1 (UK daylight saving)
    0800 Sunday Australia Eastern (Brisbane)

  • // AFAIK none of these items are evil. Well, except maybe for the Drow Knife (duh!). Please let me know if casting detect evil at Keira's merchandise πŸ™‚ 'It's an Evil Table, I tell you!'

    The blood-tasting nastiness is something called a Sin Berry and isn't listed here. I'll check the Talon gloves, I was writing them from memory at work //

  • Z, upon seeing Keira setting up shop, shakes his head and chuckles.

    Mumbles to himself as he walks away Heh, not in a Union Town ye ain't…

    He heads off looking for someone.

    ///FYI - Talon gloves are made with dire bear claws, not blades. πŸ˜‰

    ///Also, someone (preferably a DM or PL/PG) clue me in on the potions...

    First, are those the actual descriptions or have they been "edited" like the Talon gloves? It's been a long time, but I seem to recall one or more of them to be obviously evil - something like being coated in blood, I think.

    Since these descriptions are a lot less obvious in their "evilness," that leads to my second question. So, are these potions ICly known to be evil or not?

