Norwick: Design Phase

    1. Boarshead: i agree that the Boarshead needs to be more of a rough place. right now, no one goes there. it used to be much more used for meetings, etc. i think the amount of placeables in there made it too much (huge fires, etc). lets get it back to a big room where fights can take place. if there was EVER a tavern that needed a public fighting ring, it would be Norwick's.

    2. the last version of Norwick was a bit "spread out" IMO. I would like to see a tighter, closer formation of buildings. I'm not even sure we need such a large map. the barracks and the great hall should be behind their own wall like they are, and then everything else should be closely arranged outside, I think.

    3. the South Valley (ironically named because its NORTH of the city) should be a place where PC's and NPC's can build homes and farm.

    4. I think Lucid is well aware of the planned defenses, locations, etc. at this point, but he can obviously ask if he has any questions 🙂

  • Greetings….......

    I liked how Norwick was and hope it will look somewhat similar when it is rebuilt. More things added is always better and I would like to see an emphasis on a better weapon\armour shop r\t the defence of Norwick. Sence it is somewhat of a fighters town a more rowdy bar would be kind of neat. Also I would love to see some kind of memorial statue erected in town to those who were killed during the battles for Norwick. Will write more when I think of it. I truly think you should trust your own judgement, you guys have created a fantastic world so far.