Norwick Rebuilding

  • Several members of the Sisterhood are present, at Lucidious' request, to help with various tasks. Some are coordinating the various supply caravans incoming with the assistance of the Guardians. Other Sisters are helping organise the various temporary tents of returning refugees and tending to the cuts and scrapes of rebuilding injuries.

    Keira in particular is noticeably bringing in freshly butchered meat from the woods and helping the preparation of food in one of the cooktents. She also meets with Aelhaearn and the other scouts for deeper expeditions to strike at the surviving bugbear and goblin commanders.

    There are rumours of some sort of celebration planned, but details aren't forthcoming as yet.

  • With little fanfare, Z enters the now completed Norwick Craft Hall. As he walks in, he smiles at the fine work that was done to bring it back to life.

    Looks like we're back in business!

    Now we can REALLY get ta work rebuildin' this town…

    He chuckles softly to himself as he takes out his smithing hammer, whispers a silent prayer to Moradin, and starts making iron nails...lots of them.

  • It seems with the final unveiling of Lucid's new office that Star's work on her project for him is complete. She now turns her time more fully to the Crafting hall, though she is seen to give Lucid the occassional narrow eyed look as he passes and the word Pay passes her lips when he's in earshot.

  • A young druidess passing by the town enters to watch the work.
    She is heard inquiring about the construction, with a number of queries regarding the apparent common practice of sentient elemental slavery.

  • *Hedia can be seen around norwick helping with the rebuilding following what orders her union masters tell her. Taking full use of her elementals for heavy lifting and helping with smelting of ores for what metal use is needed. She has been mainly focusing helping get the union hall rebuilt first.

  • Mord, Eranden, and Z are seen delivering another load of maple logs to the town to be cut into boards.

    Just doin' what we can ta help rebuild the town… 🙂


    ((Delivered 50 maple logs and trashed them - Kuker witnessed))

    Kuk-stamps his approval

  • With rebuilding in full swing the guards rotations and duties become more regular. Small patrols are sent out but mostly for observation as the guards keep a careful watch over all those working on the rebuilding. Training can be seen taking place near the barracks again. Patrols head northregularly to keep the trade routes open and escort any caravans moving north or south.

  • Star spends more than an hour closetted away with Lucidious, eventually emerging with a bundle of sketched notes and a thoughtful expression. She is then seen at times working diligently mining and cutting wood, occassionally visiting the Great Hall with updated sketches.

    It seems she is working on a special commission of some kind in the rebuilding.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Always in the background and on the fringes, the druids are seen keeping tabs on what is done in the Rawlinswood…sometimes helping, but generally not directly intervening to stop anything done.

  • _A stout, smelly, fishy figure has put in an appearance at the rebuilding site, casting a leery (and lecherous) eye over the stout dwarf chaps working their muscles. Ooo, baby! In a spare moment, the said Umberlite cleric cheerfully informs all willing to listen that apparently Rando, ex-bigwig of Norwick and apparent victim of death… isn't.

    She saw him not a tenday ago, walking about, cheerful as you please. Her tone is bereft of the usual sneering wry falsehood - albeit sprayed with phallic innuendos. She doesn't seem as if she is lying, but as ever, who can tell.

    Nevetheless, one thing is clear. At least one dwarfen priestess is convinced that the bugger lives, and is wagging her tongue something fearful, as always._

  • _The chancellor seems to be in good spirits lately, perhaps due to the success of the sisterhood auction and what gold was given to the town from it. He's been seen recently giving direction an additional team of dwarven workers along with his commander dwin. The dwarves seem to have split up into two teams now. The first continues work on the south gate with the aid of an earth elemental to finish raising an earthen wall. The other team moves to the north in the crossroads, once again working on the fortifications there that never did quite get completed while the town was taken.

    With the dwarves hard at work on the defenses, norwick builders seem to regroup and seem to focus on the buildings in the inner wall. A few builders lend a hand with work on the crafting hall as well, trying to get the building to a point where the doors can be reopened._

  • _Oddly, wood cut from the East Rawlins seem rotten. Though outwardly the trees seem fine, it's not till they are being cut into planks that a a stench of rot becomes apparent. Boards already used begin to smell and sag.

    Furthermore, woodcutters and hunters into the east rawlins report seeing an odd occurrence. Someone or something is putting skulls into nooks and crannies of trees. Each skull is marked with blood on the cheekbones and forehead._

  • Celandur, a ranger from Neverwinter, has just become a citizen in Norwick.

    He is unsure what he can do to help, but wants people to know that if they see a green haired wanderer around the town that they do not recognize, that his services are for sale.

  • Keira delivers a small sack of coin to Lucidious in the great hall as the percentage of the sales from the auction. Lucidious is rumoured to be happy.

  • Dwin and a few of the dwarves from the Hold's Smithy show up in town with a cart. On the cart are planks of pine and maple ((about 50 of each, need to count the PS)) and some other crafting equipment on loan from the Hold.

    Tis easier if we can cut boards right here than have to lug the logs all over creation!

    ((dont know if its possible to get a wood saw placed outside the crafting hall temporarily….))

  • *A few days later, Z is seen bringing in another load of oak boards ((378)).

    As soon as he arrives, he unloads the wood, takes out a hammer, and continues to work on rebuilding the Norwick craft hall.*

  • For the first time in a long time, Ginger Tealeaf returned to Norwick. She was seen helping Z rebuild the craft hall.

    In a completely unrelated observation, Norwickers may notice the emergence of wildflowers on the hill where Vino's campfire used to be.

  • @5453b8053f=RoundHere:

    Word spreads that a group of individuals led by militiawoman Corana spent several days chopping down wood in the Rawlins and hauling it to the town hall to be used for rebuilding. Estimates about the number of logs ranged from 900 to over 1000. Regardless of the true final count, there is now an ample supply of lumber available for reconstruction projects.

    Z helps Norwick rebuild any way he can, but now spends the majority of his time helping to rebuild the craft hall as quicky as possible.

    Rebuilding the hall is the key to a quick recovery. We can make tools, cut boards, craft weapons and armor for the defense, and so on.

    I mean, Pete had ta go all the way up ta Jiyyd just ta craft hatchets for this trip. It's a waste of time and energy.

    Rebuildin' the hall should be a top priority…

    *That said, after helping gather deadwood for the town reconstruction effort, Z went north with Pete to gather some oak to rebuild the craft hall.

    A day or so later, Z returned pulling a cart loaded with many oak boards and beams ((318)). He unloaded the lumber near the old craft hall site and continued his work on its reconstruction.


  • Word spreads that a group of individuals led by militiawoman Corana spent several days chopping down wood in the Rawlins and hauling it to the town hall to be used for rebuilding. Estimates about the number of logs ranged from 900 to over 1000. Regardless of the true final count, there is now an ample supply of lumber available for reconstruction projects.

  • Keira is also seen meeting with the Chancellor and some arrangements are made. she leaves word that she wishes to speak with Dwin, also