Dragon Hoard

  • I never took any of the special "memories" items as I never really knew or had much to do with them and felt they were better left to the older players (even though I got to pick 4th overall). I was torn at not taking the Norwick Cleric Uniform (which Calendel is actively searching for IG to purchase if possible) but got the most benefit from a bow within the bag… It's the Bow of the Elven Guard (a standard available item from the toolset) that has bonuses against Orc and Goblinoids (which unfortunately don't appear to work) that would aid Calendel to fight from a distance during the current War and help out more.

    I, do to the lateness of the event wrapping up, had to log and Gulir picked for me after that. I got a Worg's eye as well.. again nothing "special" but still very useful right now.

  • Those that knew Kanen Hightower will likely vividly remember has long-wielded Longsword, made of adamantium. The sword is now seen worn and wielded by Call, one of Kanen's old friends.

    Some may also remember Amissa Lee, the comely priestess of Mystra who was always seen in Phoenix plate, the colour of red and gold. Those that were there at the end of the dragon Sharn, may have noticed a painting of the beautiful woman in the dragons horde. The painting was taken by Call, carefully wrapped in a soft cover, never to be seen again ((except by a few)).

  • Council of Moradin

    The ancient dwarf Gulir Minert is often see around Jiyyd walking with a pronounced limp. A walking stick in one hand and a huge ale mug in the other. Strangely, he never seems to need a refill.

    When asked about this, he will explain as follows…


    Brigg's Never Empty Ale Mug

    This well made, and well used, ale mug is currently full of what looks, smells, and tastes to be fresh, and very good, dwarven ale.

    It is made of heavy iron, though shows no sign of rust. The dents and scratches probably came from using it as a club as it is thick enough to resist normal wear and tear. Easily looks to be 70 to 90 years old.

    It is circled by dwarven runes which are certainly magical. The easily identified runes are an old drinkers blessing to Moradin. The other runes are a bit harder to make out.

    If the contents are drunk or if, Moradin prevent, be spilled out, the extra runes will glow and the mug refill instantly. Even the heartiest of dwarves can't find the bottom of this mug.

    A smart dwarf may figure out that he can look at the bottom of the mug by lifting it up over head to see the crafter's mark on the bottom. The mark of Brigg Two Stones, dwarven defender, expert craftsman, and lover of fine dwarven ale, is proudly etched into the base. Two stones and a hammer upright between them.

    The stories of Brigg Two Stones are told by the eldest of the local dwarves. Mighty tales of battle and drinking in the finest dwarven tradition.

    Gulir will often tell the tale of Brigg, himself and Gimley clearing thru the entire upper level of the Bugbear Warrens; the most dangerous place in the region. The three brave dwarves went to rescue seven fallen heroes who were trying to rescue another group trapped in the bowels of the bugbear nation. What took the lives of these fifteen could not hold back the strength of Brigg's faith and hammer.

    The dwarves returned home in victory with a cart full of dead long legs to raise and a healthy thirst.

  • ((I trust this is for OOC purposes. Aside from a Wand of Web, Ginger's share of dragon treasure is below.))


    Paladin's Heart Stone
    The Paladin's Heart Stone is an outstandingly beautiful gemstone. Its colours sparkle in the most beautiful shades from red to pink, displaying a typical colour harmony, representing joy of life and lust. There is hardly another stone within the known world which shows a comparable erotic flair.

    The stone was originally thought to be named for a story in which a well respected Lady Paladin who having already been married, gave her heart to another. As a sign of her affection, she gifted a Ranger with her most precious possesion, a ring that bore her family's stone. Her actions are said to have scarred the stone permanently with the vibrant colours of her passion.

    These stones are often bestowed to loved ones as a sign of devotion.


    Cloak of the Unseen Nymph

    By combining the essence of a nymph and the need to pass unseen, Adam Bromley created a truly unique item especially useful for bards. He guards the recipe and methods to make others tightly though, after all, what kind of conversation piece would it be if everyone had one?)


    Ring of the Cowardly Hin

    This ring was once in the possession of a hin named Prodo.

    Prodo was a merchant from Damara and a complete coward. Whenever bandits would show up, he would run off, leaving everything and everyone behind to worry about the bandits.

    If his feet could not take him away fast enough and some were chasing him, he would open the little cap on this ring and speak the words "Runnin' like a hin!" to activate the ring.

    Grease would spew forth from the ring, giving him the time to get away while his enemies slipped and fell to the ground.

    He wasn't so lucky when a force of bugbears tried to destroy his caravan and he used the ring, the one bugbear slipping and tossing its axe through the air right into Prodo's back.

    The ring disappeared into the hands of bugbears that day and somehow found it's way into Sharn, the White Dragons hands to be added to his hoard of magical items, waiting for the next cowardly hin to come along and take the ring.

  • // Export your character to local vault. Open the JeremySteel.bic file in Notepad. cut and paste.

  • Jeremy has been strutting around in a very fine looking Exquisite Thayan Full Plate.

    //how do I get the descript off the item so I don't have to type it all up?

  • ((Hey, ah…people who couldn't make the event still get some of the loot, right? 😉 ))

  • Robyn's Dagger


    This was the dagger belonging to Robyn Jahnsdotter, lost in the Second Defiler War when Robyn died. The dagger was owned by an assassin, who was defeated in a dual sanctioned by Tyr himself to administer justice. Robyn claimed the dagger as her prize, and used it until her death.

    Dagger has been passed on to someone to whom it has sentimental value.

    Drums of the half-orc skald


    These strange drums, made from the skulls of some monstrous creatures and tied together with thick rope, were said to have once been played and carried by one of the legendary bards of Narfell; Piggu the skald.

    Drums being passed on to someone to whom they have sentimental value.

    Tenser's scroll, wand of cure light… and... the all important...

    Dragon Tooth!


    A very large and very sharp tooth from a very dead dragon.

  • ((It's unfortunate it ran so late for my timezone. Had to log shortly before encountering Sharn, but the trip itself was fun enough. Again, a hearty thank you to all those involved, especially the DM team.))

  • Wyrmtouch

    Item type: Bastard sword


    This sword, while of fairly unremarkable design, has had a multitude of owners in it's long and bloody past dating back to before the rule of King Azoun the fourth. Although not especially magical, the blade has been blessed to resis the wear and tear of time that would normally rust and pit other normal blades.

    The design of the sword is recognizable as being from the Cormyrean forges outside of Suzail, with a heavy crossguard and solid steel blade. The haft itself has been visible wrapped more than once and finally, at the end of the pommel, there is a small iron chain attached that holds the symbol of a purple dragon: The icon of Cormyr.

    This sword was originally presented to Kerond Du'Monte under the service
    of King Azoun the fourth, as he rose to join the Order of the Purple Dragon, Cormyr's most prestigious warriors. The sword stayed with Kerond until his eventual mustering out to old age, staying in the family for two generations, passing from father, to son and then from father, to daughter, where it ended up in the hands of the newly knighted Kara Du'Monte.

    It remained with the young knight all through her service until she herself mustered out due to injury and travelled east. Finally arriving in Narfell, at a town known to all as Norwick, this sword remained by her side until it was lost to a great red dragon on her death. The blade remained with the great red dragon named Rass for many years until the war against the bandits broke out and the bandits were finally driven out from the Nars Pass. When the dragon fled from the battle, it left behind it's entire hoard to be discovered by a white dragon, now free to pillage the Nars to it's heart's content.

    The sword now lies in wait to continue it's history down to the next soul to come into possession of it, the symbol of the purple dragon hanging at the end of the pommel glittering lightly.

    Zoma of this late seems to be carrying this sword with newly discovered fondness and it never seems to leave his side. Whe nasked why is he taking such a great interest to a sword that seems to look awfully ordinarily looking just like a Comyrn sword with its background remaining unknown to him, the one eyed swordsman simply shrugs off that question.
    "….I know little of the tales this sword may offer to speak, its past and connections of its previous owners that eventually ended up in Sharn's hoard. Regardless....as a swordsman, I feel this sword has some form of connection to me, one that is yet to be discovered.

    I know not if it has accepted me as its new owner yet for that is for the sword to choose its master. But... just holding onto it ignites a certain nostalgia in my heart and inspirations that are long forgotten. The sword had taught me things I had forgotten to remember through its previous owner."

    It seems Zoma has been seen talking strange once again. Weapon masters certainly can be as odd as a druid speaking of talking trees and bees.

    Clerical Armor of Norwick

    Item type: Armor



    Clerical Garb worn by all members of Norwick's sworn protectors. All have been trained under the careful tutelage of Friar Fred, who had Kia handcraft these herself so that every Clergy Brother and Sister may be recognized on sight.

    Red Dragon Scalemail

    Item type: Armor


    This scalemail is made of red dragon scales. It helps protect the wearer from fire and is tougher than most scalemail, deflecting event the most brutal blows.

    If the wearer concentrates for a moment, fire will begin to spread across the armor slowly, finally releasing in an arc at any nearby enemies like a red dragon's breath.

    This armor was made from the scales of one of Sharn's greatest enemies, a red dragon to the south that many simply referred to as the Sky of Fire. This armor serves as a reminder of Sharn's dominance in the region. One he keeps close at all times.

    The armor seems resistant to any attempts that are made to change the color, the dye simply burning off the armor but causing no actual harm.

    The very same red dragon scalemail armor can be seen recently being worn by Jiyyd's very own red 'dragon' and landmark who owns a restaurant infamous for the very wrong reasons.

  • ((Grr! I new I was going to miss a really good event. I agree Nilla. I've been playing for 4 months now and still don't know much of the history of Narfell. wants to know more))

  • ((I like this idea! I had a lot of help getting info on long passed players and NPCs.. and it would be great to post.. so some may recognize the item and be able to tell you the story behind it. And for newer players.. gives them the chance to learn a bit of Narfell Hero History 🙂 ))