Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Legion

    Three Norwick men carrying large sacks of fish arrive in Oscura asking where they can find somebody who goes by the name of Darkhaven.

    ((If you respond to this please PM me))

  • Rumor has it a rather large and pale man dressed in the colors and symbols of Bane was stopped by two guards at the gate to the Keep of the Fallen upon leaving. After a brief discussion and some proven paperwork the man is allowed to leave and is seen heading off towards the Library of the Red Falcons. Rumors spread that the Lord of the dark Keep has awoken and thus walks the streets of Oscura once again, for what purpose is still unknown.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The famously amorous Sigismund Locke has been seen making the rounds through far more than the more upscale parts of the city, lately. Indeed, he was even seen leaving the city in the company of an attractive young petty thief! The two returned to the city a short time later, his female companion looking exhausted but much cleaner, and clad in the livery of house Locke as they made their way into the Locke manor.

  • Legion

    Rumors swirl of the garagosian keeper, the high priest of bane and a very old sailor led an expedition to the unknown corners of Arnath and defeated a mighty red dragon amongst other things. The garagosian can still be seen covered in what appears to be dragon blood and when asked he merely is heard to reply "let the blood flow"

  • Rumours are the Du Lorraine family and the Iron curtain have just bought Loricks shop in the west gate. This is confirmed by the guards standing by it now.

    Bernard du Lorraines son Louis is believed to have been in charge of the negotiations which look successful.

  • Cray and Kyan can be seen havinga serious, but hushed converation in the garden near the entrance to Oscura

  • vakdal Kyzanos sent a group out through a portal recently, seemed he wanted a cockatrice! What happened afterwards? Few know!

  • Karl decides to help his big sister, Gabby, as much as he can. Often being pushed away during the beatings by her.

  • Zazamoukh II, son of Thoth II, is intrigued by these rumours of theft from the Sakhmet. He sets about investigating their sources.

  • Reluctant as ever, Gabriella, the oldest of the Matrons children is sent on a search for her mothers missing employee. Some have seen her beating several unsavory customers when confronted with defiance.

  • Locke

    The Locke family have been heading along fine as of late, whilst there trade is not booming and are still competing with the Kyzanos family, they have not gained wealth, but have not lost it either. The reputation of the family has improved somewhat however due to Ferdinands influence through the Nars.

    Baron Locke has not been seen for sometime, yet this is not uncommon, and Maximillion has been heading the business and is becoming a very competent business man with the help of his farther in lore, Istvan Darkhaven.

    Rumour has it Baron Locke has been extremely ill, having to be carried away from his wifes grave by his son back to the Locke estate.

    A brewing feud is rumoured between Maximillion Locke and Loktar Kyzanos, yet the Lockes have the Sakhmet on side so it seems a stalemate at this stage.

    Maximillions wife, Eliza Darkhaven has had two children, yet it does not seem to be Maximillions children by the vivid Blonde hair, some rumours suggest her children were Ivan II Kursks, the elder brother of the Kursk family who is notoriously incompetent at business yet is a fine inventor. Other rumours suggest it was Vladimir Kursks, yet this seems unlikely as she showed not reaction upon his Hanging in Peltarch. Rumours spread aswell that she has been spending alot of time with Lauren the Liberian. Both children have grown now to the age of 16 and the Maximillion has no contact with the children where he can help it suggesting that they are not his. It has also caused a bit of tension between the two family's.

    There is some tension with the Kursks at the moment aswell due to the suggestion Duke Andrey is lending Vakdal Kyzanos money and it is well known the Lockes would love to bankrupt the Kyzanos.


    The Darkhavens and the Raven Wings have been doing very well recently. However many suspect they have found new smuggling routes. Duke Istvan has grown ever richer and seems to be spending money on exotic creatures to have fight down the Brawling Bodak and having betting sessions.

    Eliza Darkhaven has had two children, yet it does not seem to be Maximillions Lockes children by the vivid Blonde hair, some rumours suggest her children were Ivan II Kursks, the elder brother of the Kursk family who is notoriously incompetent at business yet is a fine inventor. Other rumours suggest it was Vladimir Kursks, yet this seems unlikely as she showed not reaction upon his Hanging in Peltarch. Rumours spread aswell that she has been spending alot of time with Lauren the Liberian. Both children have grown now to the age of 16 and the Maximillion has no contact with the children where he can help it suggesting that they are not his. It has also caused a bit of tension between the two family's.

    The two children are named Haferal, a young man whos long blonde hair creates a handsome appeal about him, and a daughter known as Frances, whos cold attitude clearly comes from her mother.


    The Kyzanos family have branched out more into the magical components business, instead of just importing from Thay they have also started getting mundane components from more local areas, and Vakdal is often employing adventurers to find them for him, and paying well.

    The family are all well, and with an extra addition, Vakdal, after the disappearance of Antiganos Komnenos and the death of Vladimir Kursk, he seems to have become even more paranoid of having his children die off and not having an heir, some 15 years ago he had another child after Antiganos disappeared. This was kept quiet up until recently and he now has a young son, Thazerp. His son has inherited his parents magical abilities and is rumoured to having quite powerful magic behind him.

    The Kyzanos still are at odds with the Sakhmet and the Locke familys, ever increasingly. The racial and slave trade tentions with the Sakhmet and the business war with the Locke family, would seem to have crushed any other business, yet the Red dragon and the Kyzanos family are still holding strong. Some rumours suggest that Duke Andrey Kursk has leant and is supporting the Kyzanos in this trade war, not out of any political motivation but out of friendship to Vakdal.


    The Sakhmet have increased the number of incoming slaves and seem to be making alot of profit. The family are growing in wealth yet it seems that they have been saving it or reinvesting it as the money is rarley seen or hidden away. Some dark whispers suggest that someone is stealing money from within yet no proof has be found and Thoth II and Thoth III seems unconcerned so these are unfounded.

    Neferhetep has been getting into trouble lately aswell as she battles the young men of Oscura in search for a husband. Yet at the same time she is trying her best to publicly humiliate Anna Kursk out of spite, this has increased tensions with the Kursks.

    The sleeping cats slaves are being kept better than ever, still often being richer than the average blood of Oscura, yet still are hated by outsiders for being the biggest importer of slaves.


    The Northern Bear is doing extremely well, yet at the same time, the Kursk family certainly is not emotionally.

    Andrey Kursk and his wife Nastasja have been grief stricken since the death of the favoured son at the hands of Peltarch, especially as they refused to give Vladimirs body back to the family. Grand Seneschal Zoran Zivkovic with the help of Estana Lokvallovich and the cartographer Selakiir Khalazza have almost taken over the Northern Bear completely as Andrey has become ever reclusive and his only remaining son Ivan II is too incompetent to take over running the Northern Bear alliance.

    The Northern Bear as a business is doing very well however, it is not only gained market share and huge profits of late but it is slowly wearing down the Komnenos competition through the Lightning Eagle. The Komnenos have been suffering to the Northern Bears trade war ever since Antiganos disappeared.

    The Kursks tensions have incresed with the Lockes and the Sakhmets for aiding the Kyzanos due to friendship, which has drawn the Kyzanos and Kursk familys closely.

    The name of the Kursk family has suffered much outside Oscura due to the rumours of Vladimirs actions and supposed alliance with the Shadovar and Vladimirs murder of the Paladin Cedric has smeared the name on the surface of Narfell. However within Oscura the name Kursk still holds alot of respect.

    Andrey’s Aunt Liriana Bosnik and Uncle Mstislav Bosnik have sent there own grandchild, Silvia Kursk, to aid in the Northern Bear whilst Andrey does not wish to be a public figure.

    Du Lorraine

    The Du Lorraine and the Iron Curtain have grown largely of late, in power, wealth. People have never been more terrified of the du Lorraines. Bernard has taken up a position within the church of Bane, yet this information is kept fairly secret, yet it is suggested he is ever more heavily involved with the Zhents.

    William du Lorraine has been seen less and less lately. Curiously he is rarely seen at the temple of Bane, some people suggest he is not involved with the Banites any more but this if often thought wrong, as with his family history and position, many think Bernard would kill his son if he did not serve the Dark Lord.

    The du Lorraines have kept away where they can form the other family, preferring to be independent of any political alliances. Yet the whole family is not shy in Oscura and walk around the streets free of ease, in fact, people often move away from Bernard and Marie du Lorraine in fear.


    The Komnenos have grown weaker of late mainly due to loosing market share to the Northern Bear and the general unpopularity they hold in Oscura from there "Do gooder" attitude and morals. Ahkemedes still suffers from the loss of his eldest son Antiganos. But he still preachs to any who listen how trade should be fair and monitored to prevent smuggling and illegal goods, often as a direct slur towards the Northern Bear.

    He Lightning eagle and the Komnenos family hold a very good reputation in Peltarch and Norwick for there fair trading practices and still remain the closest thing Oscura have to a "Good" family.

    The youngest son, Herakleitos Komnenos, a priest of Waukeen is attempting to aid the Lightning Eagle anyway he can without resorting to illegal method as his brother Antiganos tried in sabotaging the Kursks. He also holds a large lack of respect and resentment for the Kursks due to the alleged murder of his brother.


    There has been very little news on the Skovhus recently, Matron Skovhus is well, along with all her family. And the business is booming as ever.

    However some dark rumours are spreading around about the Matrons bed ridden sister Edith. She was seen meeting with Baron Locke at the Skovhus estate and since that time no news has appeared at all from her, and no more healers have been invited to the house. Something strange seems to have happened. Even the family of the Matron know very little of her current state as she is kept well hidden from anyone.

    Also rumours spread that one of the girls working for the Skovhus has disappeared and no one knows anything of where she went. The Matron has offered a reward for finding her.

  • A rumour heard from the Coppers is that a green plated red lock, with her helm tucked under her arm, briskly walked in. Headed towards Jario she had thrown him a pouch with a fair amount of coins in it. With an air of determination she would have said something like:

    “I want that Alucard! If he is about, send a message up to the docks in Peltarch and I will get it”

    She had walked out just as swiftly as she came in.

  • Rumor said that a lot of challenges and fights took place in the dark bodak, lot of adventurers gathered and of special note people talk about the young du Lorraine who fought bravely against different foes and a woman in red and gold that defeated a beholder with a single spell

  • Labur is seen multiple times this week going into the Mithril Mug, he visits for hours at a time. It seems the purpose of these visits is to talk to Cogan about the addition of hazelnuts in the brewing process.

  • The Black Sails vessel "Zombie Queen" glides slowly into the dim lights of the Oscura harbour, her hull low in the water. The bloodied, merry crew disembark, rolling barrel after stinking barrel off to the nearby warehouse, while great rolls of hide and fur are carted off to the undercity's crafting hall for preparation. Between friendly leers and jeers, the curious observer may easily surmise that the Black Sails have tried their hands at some big game hunting, with a serious emphasis on big!

  • Korlis, after one of his daily patrols heads in for a typical ale or twelve at the Coppers. Hearing of the young man in gray, he sits patiently around, waiting for him to show up once again, tossing the doorman a few coins to make sure he's pointed out.

  • A young man in a gray tunic has been in the Coppers lately, asking now and then for someone named Korlis possibly? Something close to that. When asked why, it seems to either involve trade or an arrow to the face.

  • Hammer has been moving trough Oscura's inns and markets, seeming to be asking around and searching for an elf called "Lucidicious". What could the surfacer want from that one?

  • Tribune and High Priest of Mask, Fredrico Falsa was seen being carried through the city and into the temple. He appeared to be unconscious. What could have happening?!

  • Word is that Tribune Creg Fester is gathering brave men and women for a dangerous diplomatic mission into the underdark. He is seeking the strongest of warriors, and already has Dreadlord Quelcoth and a mysterious swordsman and Banite Alucard coming with. Drow? Duergar? Illuithids? Minotours? Beholders? What denezins is he seeking to make contact with. Any strong and formidable Oscurans are encuraged to seek him out.