Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Rumor has it Tribune Ashire is looking for some people to attend a trading voyage with him. All interested can apply at the Black Sails Warehouse for one of the remaining spots.

    //pm me here is the best place to catch me.

  • Vladimir was seen carrying several displacer beast bodies and what looked like a baby dragon head in via the west gate

  • ICC

    Local resident Zarius Caine is seen heading to speak to the Tribunal. Word is that he was banned from the town of Norwick, accused of being a slave trader, and that he is looking to have the tribunal provide him with an official document stating his noninvolvment in the slave trade and his nonownership of slaves as well

  • Vladimir has seemed a little on edge as of late. Speculation would likely draw it is the news and tightenings on the slave law from the surface. Or perhaps he is scared of blood from the mutilated bodies in the rift. But who knows…?

  • _Due to the recent news about slaves from both Norwick and Peltarch, there was an attempted break out by about ten slaves to escape to the safety of the surface.

    Their mutilated bodies now decorate the Raven Rift, staked on display, which has put off any further escapes quite successfully.

    Meanwhile, non-Oscuran ships have been under more scrutiny by the Black Lotus and Oscuran guards, in case of any deranged smugglers._

  • @d09a4f3f7c=M_O_B:

    Meanwhile, like vultures, priests and wizards of Velsharoon have been frequenting Oscura more as slave owners turn to selling the starved corpses of their former slaves to the Velsharoonites, who are more than happy to enlist more undead slaves to their service. Dominated undead can be seen in the city more frequently then ever.

    Quelcoth eyes the free-for-all dead-body buffet and ponders to himself: Shopping Spree!!!

  • @b561f55c7f:

    Meanwhile, like vultures, priests and wizards of Velsharoon have been frequenting Oscura more as slave owners turn to selling the starved corpses of their former slaves to the Velsharoonites, who are more than happy to enlist more undead slaves to their service. Dominated undead can be seen in the city more frequently then ever.

    A relatively recent arrival from Mulhorand calling himself Akhet Tholaunt can occasionally be seen conversing with the Velsharoonites, as well as as looking for cheap dead.

  • @43e315991a:

    Meanwhile, like vultures, priests and wizards of Velsharoon have been frequenting Oscura more as slave owners turn to selling the starved corpses of their former slaves to the Velsharoonites, who are more than happy to enlist more undead slaves to their service. Dominated undead can be seen in the city more frequently then ever.

    ooc hahaha awesome, I love this place 🙂

  • _With the recent disagreements in trade between Oscura and the surface, some minor changes have been occurring in the city.

    Unsurprisingly, the rich seem completely unaffected in how they are living, and continue their overly opulent lifestyles.

    That is, apart from the Komnenos family, whose business is gravely suffering as their legal trade agreements with various surface merchants dry up.

    Meanwhile, the slaves of Oscura are suffering worse than ever. As basic foodstuffs get more expensive and slave owners need to turn to long distance imports as opposed to local products, they simply have been feeding their slaves less than ever before. The odd slave can even be seen being dragged off by guards, starved to death.

    There is no shortage of replacements however. As a result of the happenings of the surface, Oscura has began trading more with Thay, the Zhentarium and even some below the Underdark. Red Wizards and Zhent officers can be seen visiting the city quite often, and there are rumours that some of the noble families have met with emissaries from small Duergar clans.

    Meanwhile, like vultures, priests and wizards of Velsharoon have been frequenting Oscura more as slave owners turn to selling the starved corpses of their former slaves to the Velsharoonites, who are more than happy to enlist more undead slaves to their service. Dominated undead can be seen in the city more frequently then ever._

  • A foreign masked lady has been seen frequenting the Temple of late, most notably the part devoted to Shar. She has been staying at the Shiny Coppers, but speaks to no one.

  • Vladimir Kursk seems to be very quiet as of late, not being seen around Oscura as much, the reason generally unknown.

    On a side note he also denies that the Northern Bear Alliance has anything to do with such awful and illegal activities like smuggling…......

    He also seems to be keeping a very close eye on the Lightning Eagle Consortium traders and the Komnenos family.

  • Following the latest news from Norwick, gossip in Oscura heralds a new era of woe and hardship for the Lightning Eagle Conglomerate, whose attempts at legal trading with the rest of Faerun continue to be for naught. On the other hand, the profits of the Northern Bear Alliance and the Raven's Wing Traders are expected to boom as smuggling is set to increase.

  • @535b1930ca=Celtic8824:

    Peacekeeper Brynden Blackwater is seen boarding a ship alone. He seems packed for a trip of sorts, but… he's not the type of guy who tells everyone where he heads everytime he leaves. The ship -did- travel west, however.

    (Brynden will be missing for about 2 weeks RL, maybe shorter depending on how things go.)

    After he boards the ship, Nalytha is seen walking behind him and after getting his attention has a short conversation. After a smirk and nod it seems that the icey eyed witch will be joining him.

  • Peacekeeper Brynden Blackwater is seen boarding a ship alone. He seems packed for a trip of sorts, but… he's not the type of guy who tells everyone where he heads everytime he leaves. The ship -did- travel west, however.

    (Brynden will be missing for about 2 weeks RL, maybe shorter depending on how things go.)

    • Cray was in attendance during the parade and the festivities at the Banshee. Cray was wearing his finest white suit and carried himself as if he was one of the Nobles himself. Though at the same time, Cray was quietly looking down his nose at the Noblility.

    Cray's philosophy being that Arnath and Oscura were built upon the backs of the men in the shadows like himself, and the terrible deeds that men like him carried out for the honour and love of one's home. Though Cray was not outwardly vocal regarding these thoughts, Cray's closest friends knew how he was feeling.

    After having a few drinks and while hanging out at the bar of the Banshee Cray quoted;

    "Power comes not from the voice giving a command, but rather from the feet that swiftly carry it out."

    Cray then raised a toast to Corde Sharr’dak, the man that blooded him.

    After this Cray is seen lamenting at the Bar briefly. Cray takes out a very old looking Cyric amulet and holds it in his palm a short time before putting it away again.

    Later on in the evening at the Banshee, during the altercation between Drelan and another. Cray reacts without hesitation to back up his fellow Black Sail. *

  • _A woman with unsettling aqua eyes, black hair and unusually full crimson lips has been seen at the Banshee sipping on wine. When spoken to she articulates and looks as if nobility but she claimes to be of a witch of the wild Wealdath woods and often claims that many things about the city baffle of confuse her. A long emrald glowing twisted staff is often in hand or on her back.

    It appears she is not afraid to speak on equal terms with nobles and slaves alike and this has lead to Alexander Red Falcon of the Tribunal and Lazlo Darkhaven to, as she would call it, "manhandle" her, while also appearantly offending three Guardslaves "honor" by questioning their logic of how being a slave was better than being a farmer. She has been seen associating with Nicahh and Aelhaearn and frequently Brynden._

  • _A great procession of rich and powerful Oscurans went through the city recently, led by Lady Rose Hollowmoon. It was dedicated to Siamorphe and the divine right of those to rule, and they threw coins at the poor of Oscura.

    The parade stopped at the Banshee for drinks, where the night was interrupted by fighting between the Kyzanos and Sakhmet families, and the shock admittance that Neferhetep Sakhmet and Loktar Kyzanos have been seeing eachother secretly and plan to be wed, with or without the blessing of their parents.

    The rest of the night was quiet, but it is rumored that afterwards there was some kind of altercation between the surfacers who had played music at the Banshee and Tribune Ashire, but the situation was defused when the guards arrived. No arrests were made._

  • _A plan to bust slaves out of Oscura was recently foiled by some local Oscurans, the guard and the Red Falcons.

    A Thayan sailor was the culprit, who was taken into custody on suspicion, and apparently had documents that admitted to his guilt, and his employment to at least one Tormtar in Cormyr who provided him with funds.

    His penalty was death, and his body was hacked and thrown into the Underdark.

    The only slaves that almost escaped were quickly recaptured._

  • Rumor is heard that somewhere close to Jiyyd ruins some adventurers found a black dragons lair….while looking for mushrooms

  • Creg Fester has been seen spending much of his time with Teresa Kyzanos in public of late. Talks of both magical and mundane pass between the two as they go about enjoying the cultural delights Oscura has to offer.