Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • A young woman, about the age of 16 or so, was seen wandering about Oscura seemingly lost. She kept her head down, looking up from time to time to make sure she wasn't about to stumble into someone or something. Those who get a glance at her face when she does look up will notice that her cheeks are flushed and her eyes moist. It is not hard to tell the young woman has been crying a lot, though why can be anyones guess. After wandering for a while she finally finds a place to sit, and covers her face with her hands and begins to sob more. Should anyone approach she quickly wipes her eyes and sniffles back a sob trying, and failing, to hide it.

  • A fine Peltarch lady sat by the park, slipping one foot forward to smooth dust off outrageously pretty red boots. Her hair was swept up under an extravagant and rather jaunty orange hat that’s the perfect compliment to the glorious red and orange silken gown she wore.

    With a waft of delightful peach scent trailing after her, the dilettante swept into The Coppers in all her finery looking really rather proud of herself.

    Likely of more interest than her was the ornate jewellery at her neck. Magnificent tendrils of gold-colored metal surrounding a large red gem glowing with clear bright light.

    But not for long.

    Because she disappeared off out of the common room hand-in-hand with a Lady of the Night!

    How frightfully daring!

  • Brynn, as she is known, is seen more and more frequently around Oscura with Brynden Blackwater. Clad in less woodsy attire; her leathers are now now more like his ensamble, shades of black: complete with dark shadows swirling around her breasts, chest and neck from her collar. A new large doublebladed sword is at her back and matching scimitars at her hips. Steel eyes rimmed in black look more wary than usual and the rumor of her having recently been the casualty in a very messy assasination attempt after having been blooded for a mere 6 hours has become a prominant subject on the tongues of the commoners.

  • A Man in fine garmets and masked by a dark cloak is seen entering the Library and searching through various books, spending a few moments with each book, reading a few passages and flipping through pages. After a while his curiosity seemingly satisfied he leaves, disappearing into the shadows of the city.

  • An elf in silver plate with a name of bright red hair flowing loose strides into the library. She browses the shelves, sitting down to leaf through a number of volumes on the underdark; maps, and its denizens and heroes.

  • Brynden Blackwater stands at the coppers, his armor dented in covered in the blood of 3 different people, including his own. He snarls and answers questions depending on who is asking, but he doesn't look happy. Cymbline stands next to him with a certain blank look in her eye…

    It seems they were involved in this little altercation.

    //PM me any questions if you want them answered!

  • A cloaked and cowled figure pulls a stool over to one of the drinks ledges on the wall, able to see everyone coming and going; perhaps waiting for someone.

    A traveling pack placed on the ledge discourages company. She drinks wine in gloved hands, with the smooth skin of her face showing tan if anyone is particularly interested.

  • Peacekeeper Ferdinand Locke also visits the Coppers to question those who were present. Eagerly awaiting for Alexander to contact him with any future bounties to add to the PK Log book.

  • Alexander Redfalcon can be see at the Coppers, asking for any information on who caused the trouble, whether it be name or appearance. If asked, he says he needs to update the bounty board.

  • _Following a nasty affray with bows, knives, and skull-crushing bludgeons, it seems the bouncer from the Shiny Coppers and one other had to be raised by Father Dagon.

    The good Father opines that it was clearly paladins._

  • ICC

    An odd surfacer arrived recently to Oscura for brief visit. Surfacer skulked about, speaking in raspy, hissing voice and made inquiries for any priest who either knows or masters lore of "Mistress of Disease" or "Dark god of rot and corruption.

  • Vladimir was seen looking for Dar'Lith to find out what happened presumably

  • ICC

    _An unknown number of assailants were cut down in the Undercity by an armoured figure known to some as Ferdinand Lockes Bodyguard.

    It is unknown if they were alive or dead, but they were carried away._

  • Coinciding with many bizarre events outside of Oscura, the Well of Souls has been flashier and stranger than usual.

  • Frequently the doors to the Temple of Shar are opened for sermons and service to the faithful, many cloaked and robed figures have been flocking to the services to hear the words spoken by the new high priestess, Lady Moonshadow.

  • Several duels were seen recently at the Brawling Bodak, with young Vladimir of the house of Kursk besting a newly blooded woman in red, then being promptly thrashed by the Skald, Val Kyrie. The Skald then lost two matches in a row to the Banite, Quelcoth, but all were in high spirits afterwards.

  • *Rumours swirl around that a group of worhsippers of Cyric were slaughtered by an Oscuran party after a tip off from Bernerd Du Lorraine.

    Much loot was returned with them, amongst them a powerfully enchant shield and what looked like a corrupt sword*

  • Another day, another hunting party. This time it is Ekmen Kyzanos, Vladimir Kursk and Gina, who arrive to city from west gate. Their armors are bruised and skins are dirty and bloody but they are seemingly in good moods. With them they carry numerous trophies: umberhulk shells, hook horror hooks,heads of formians and even corpse of some strange flying creature that some might recognize as dragazhar.

  • A few days later, a beaten and bloodied group is seen coming into Oscura via the West Gate, carrying the body of one of their comrades. Those who were nearby heard talk of a force of Skindancers as the source of the harm.

  • Later on Ekmen is seen sitting in Coppers and having few stouts and discussing about experiences and tactics of hunting displacer beasts. Apparently he seems to be planning The Gentlemen's Hunting Club trip down there in near future.