Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Coinciding with many bizarre events outside of Oscura, the Well of Souls has been flashier and stranger than usual.

  • Frequently the doors to the Temple of Shar are opened for sermons and service to the faithful, many cloaked and robed figures have been flocking to the services to hear the words spoken by the new high priestess, Lady Moonshadow.

  • Several duels were seen recently at the Brawling Bodak, with young Vladimir of the house of Kursk besting a newly blooded woman in red, then being promptly thrashed by the Skald, Val Kyrie. The Skald then lost two matches in a row to the Banite, Quelcoth, but all were in high spirits afterwards.

  • *Rumours swirl around that a group of worhsippers of Cyric were slaughtered by an Oscuran party after a tip off from Bernerd Du Lorraine.

    Much loot was returned with them, amongst them a powerfully enchant shield and what looked like a corrupt sword*

  • Another day, another hunting party. This time it is Ekmen Kyzanos, Vladimir Kursk and Gina, who arrive to city from west gate. Their armors are bruised and skins are dirty and bloody but they are seemingly in good moods. With them they carry numerous trophies: umberhulk shells, hook horror hooks,heads of formians and even corpse of some strange flying creature that some might recognize as dragazhar.

  • A few days later, a beaten and bloodied group is seen coming into Oscura via the West Gate, carrying the body of one of their comrades. Those who were nearby heard talk of a force of Skindancers as the source of the harm.

  • Later on Ekmen is seen sitting in Coppers and having few stouts and discussing about experiences and tactics of hunting displacer beasts. Apparently he seems to be planning The Gentlemen's Hunting Club trip down there in near future.

  • Vladimir and Ekmen were seen returnign from the West gate tired and bloody yet in a fine mood. What they were hunting was revealed to be displacer beasts as the hides were hung up as trophies

  • A bloody group were seen entering Oscura via the west gate, with a number of crates, rumour spreads they locted some supplies intended to be used in the fight agasint the dragolich.

  • A few couple of eyes saw a tall figure entering the docks and heading to the main part of the town,walking fast and looking around carefully.Shortly after he left the same way as being in rush.

  • ICC

    _A Heraldic looking man wearing armor wreathed in shadows walks quietly through the Forgotten City, taking in sights, before arriving at the Church of Bane and murmuring to the Devotee, "Who reigns supreme here now? Tell whomever it is that a most modest Herald seeks an audience. Many thanks, my good sir."

    And with that, he goes to the lobby to wait, politely nodding to those who cross his path._

  • _A mixed group were met with odd looks as they all seemed to fall asleep where they were standing at the Coppers. The group consisting of a Black Sail named Ashe, two Bane followers known as Quelcoth and Creg, a mage by the name of Zarius, a heavily armored man in dull grey armor who called himself "Iron", and a woman who enjoyed staying in the shadows, by the name of Dash.

    Patrons at the Coppers dragged some of the tired individuals to the common room beds, thinking that the lot just had too much to drink. Oddly enough, they all woke up at the same time some time later.._

  • Rumor has it that a body striped of all clothing and belongings was found just outside Oscura amongst the rock snakes. The body is also said to have been taken to the local Oscuran healer.

  • *A group consisting of Oscuran Vladimir Kursk, The women Gina, Leigonaire Anor and the Forign Man Taniko were seen ehading down the mines in hunt for duerger.

    A few days later they returned yet oddly from the West Gate, very bloody and with Vladimir carrying what looked like a large spiderlike leg*

  • //Now that I'm back, Oscura is getting back in action too. ;)//

    _Much has been happening amongst the upper classes of Oscura of late.

    After a long period of being missing, Antigonos has finally been declared dead by his father Akamedes. A small family funeral was held in his honour. Gossipers indicate it was probably the Kursks, but no one has any proof of this.

    Ferdinand Locke and Ahmose Hetempet Sakhmet have given birth to twins, Amunet Sahkmet-Locke & Sigismund Locke. The birth was uneventful and it's said that the family is living happily.

    Meanwhile, the wife of Maximilian Locke, Eliza Darkhaven, has announced that she is pregnant.

    Youngest child of the Matron Mikaela Skovhus, Karl, has become quite a man and is often seen around the city, seemingly doing his mother's dirty work… however there seems to be more to the boy than his older sister.

    During a time of good business, Thoth II has turned his attention to finding a husband for his daughter Neferhetep... rumours are that he is even considered a surfacer to wed the somewhat stubborn young lady.

    William du Lorraine has been out of town for a few months now, but no one seems to know where he went.

    Another frenzied rumour floating about Oscura that a supposed location of a large vein of valuable gem and metal has been found, and the competition between the Flamebeards and Fajardos to find and mine it is getting quite intense.

    And due to a shortage of manpower, Radomir Brankovic has declared that his holding company is open to new recruits, with a promise of good pay and plenty of work._

  • Rumors of a skrimish taking place within the Banite Temple leak out amongst the folk of Oscura. Many stories place two surfacers fighting amongst eachother. Other stories place noble and Keeper, Ferdinand Locke answering the disturbance. None of the facts seem to be clear however.

  • _Eight bloody and bruised Black Sails slump back into the underground port, clearly exhausted. Enthusiastic Sails-spotters will recognise familiar old hands in the company - lushly Cap'n Sabre Seasaw, slinky Senria, stinky Mercy and looming lead-bellied able seaman Urgh at the foremost. A'hind this scurvy band of ne'er-do-wells, marched some new recruits, usually in a worse state that their more weather companions. Stiff-as-a-board and regimental "Tom Thumb Up the Bum", prickly elf archer Caling, and smooth and slimy scion of the Sterr family, Korlis Sterr shuffled below, into the Sails' Oscuran warehouse. Surprisingly, the band also contains the Peltarchian elven wych, Celebring, who appeared to have shared in his cronies' sufferings in equal measure.

    Whether gnawed at by magic acids, bludgeoned by brutish clubmen, hacked at by less than successful executioners' axes, punched, shot, electrically scorched and peeled, sizzled and left smoking by fire, or split and frozen by winterish blasts - each one bears the marks of an old whale, long hunted, its blubbery rind all scarred and scored by its tormenting hunters. Quite who has been tormenting this haunted and suspicious band is difficult to say. Whatever it was, it clearly gave the whole company a run for its swag._

  • A blonde haired, female elf has been seen wandering around the city in search of pixie dust…

    Those who see her notice her sniffing and rubbing her nose constantly as well as a few sneezes here and there.

  • There seems to be a large boom in the slave trade of late. Prices are being driven down so far as to scrape the minimums set by law. And, one thing in particular seems off - the new slave population does not seem to be foreign at all.

  • Upon Vladimirs arrival, Lacey Chandler can bee seen about more often in her "cheerfull" mod. Coincidence or not, people has noticed more pick pockets since then…