Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Guardsman Keltz is seen distributing potions to each guard around the city.

  • A few Red Falcon guards can be seen constantly loitering around the Mithril Mug, which itself seems to be busier with more gruff, tough Skullcrusher dwarves than usual.

  • The Peacekeepers have sealed off the judicial chambers in the meeting hall but no word has been mentioned as to why. The herald is surprisingly tight lipped about it.

  • It has been rumored that a freed slave has gone missing from the West Gate area. Normally this wouldn't be a concern to anyone except that his friends in that quarter are making a huge deal of it by stopping every passerby asking if they have seen him…

  • Jaelle was spotted leaving the West Gate of Oscura with a single Oscuran guard in tow. The guard later returned, a smug look on his face but without Jaelle. She was seen a day later walking into the Coppers looking beat to hell and walking funny…

  • Rumor has that the simple merchant Extraordinaire Alexi has been spending a fair amount of time in the Oscuran Docks helping out the Captain of the Peace Keepers, with some wood work and such. One might conjecture that there is a certain amount of mischievous gleam in the merchant's eyes as he gives "tips" to the captain that occasionally end in an chuckle from his part and perhaps a glare from the captain for his antics. Whether they were hidden pranks on his part or just bad instruction is anyone's guess.

  • _Eléndel is seen running through the gates of Oscura, running with full speed towards the underdark. Commoners are thrown to the ground in the process as the elf bursts through the earlier quiet square. Constantly throwing glances over his shoulder, as if checking wether he's being followed or not.

    Across his entire armor is blood from a recent battle, the plated chest also appear to have markings of a claw attack._

  • A Druid walked through Oscura unmolested with a woman over his shoulder, bound with ropes. In black and gold she was, with heavy armor, and blonde hair.

    Odd, that.

  • Seems the figure and the tribunal had a meeting again, this time amongst the engagement party of Locke and his finacee. Eventually the groom to be could be seen speaking with the tribunal as the figure disappeared using magical means once again while leaving the Banshee, despite the tribunals heavy stare.

  • There was a man in darkish armor and somewhat small frame though unproportional in may ways and crown near the grim bottle that emerged from Kerol's steel and began conversing with Tribunal Ashire and the barbarian trainer of the guard Maya.

    The conversation seems to have become heated and strained guards soon surrounding the tribunal and the figure. The figure flashed a peacekeeper cloak and the tribune could be seen saying something and pointing to the tower. The figure then went invisible drinking a potion quickly and shoved past the guards disapearing in the oscuran darkness.

    The guards and peacekeepers then dispersed to find the fellow.. but at least of now no public findings have been disseminated.

  • Pyotr lets Drelan know to find him in his office so that everything may be explained.

  • //Coppers or Mithril Mug?

  • A rather imposing tribune can be seen searching around and asking about all witnesses involved.

  • _A large group of guards were seen entering the coppers. Soon after, a fight seemingly broke out. For a good while, the fight continued until all was quiet again. A few moments after, the Umberlant priestess known as Jack was seen to have been carrying a corpse from outside the coppers. Some may recognize the body as Jay, the Sails brute.

    She headed to the warehouse with the corpse… eventually leaving the warehouse some time later, alone._

  • _Rumor states that a "Battle of the Bards" of sorts happened in the Coppers the other night. The greatest audience reaction seemed to come from a red-haired fellow in black and blue-green plate and a Peacekeeper cloak draped across his shoulders. The rumors say that he wasn't even a bard, but the story was so action-packed that it demanded attention. He even was seen to show off a magical bow that was brought back from the hells themselves.

    Those asking around would also hear that the attractive man is looking for a date to a party of some sort within the month._

    😄 😉

  • _The rumors say that many allies were found by Oscura to destroy the Duergar army. Kuo-Toa, Minotours, and Ettins all fought against the Duergar. It is said the diplomacy was handled by none other than Vladimir Kursk, who smoothed out relations just enough to bring them to the aid of Oscura. Then on the field of battle he lead the attack against the Duergar lines, breaking through defenses, and inspiring the monsters to follow.

    It seems the Nobel is coming into his own and the field of battle, and in less simple matters.

    He returned to Oscura with a mighty crown sitting atop his head, victorious._

  • *News spreads around like wildfire about Duerger.

    Due to Norwick irritating the drow, the duerger have become overl confident apprently.

    A group of Oscurans and surafcers were teleported out of Oscura during the happenings, strange as the gaurds were trying to fortify the west gate as strongly as possiable.

    Returning an hour or two later.

    Then a group, fronted by Vladimir Kursk were seen getting ready for war as they pased through the westgate towards the duerger.

    Rumours say that after an epic fight, where Oscuran, Kuo Tuo, Ettin and Minotaur kind all joined forces agasint the dark dwarf Foe.*

  • @08f2764e8e=Celtic8824:

    A redhaired man in darkened plate and blades strapped to his hips was seen entering the monastery. He hasn't left yet.

    About a month after entering the monastery, the redhaired man is seen emerging once more. He seems to have a disciplined style to his step, and he seems to swagger even more than before.

  • Vladimir seems to have not been seen in public for almost a week, was finally seen retuning to the coppers, smileing plessently and sitting chatting to others over a glass of wine. Whatever had made him retreat for awhile is apprently over, or if not, he is no longer worried about ebing back in public

  • A man clad in heavy armor was seen being admitted into the monastery not long ago. Those who saw the ordeal noticed he was stripped of his magical weapons and handed a wooden sparing sword.