Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • In the deep, dank caverns past Oscura's gates however, things are a good deal less peaceful. After having swaggered out in high spirits, a party of Black Sails comes running - and in some cases limping - back to the west gate, immediately urging the guards to lock up behind them. Peacekeeper captain Senria orders heavy reinforcements to the same gate, and a tense wait begins. Rumour would have it a veritable army of duergar is the cause of concern, though others speak of caged beasts on the loose.

  • _The Black Lotus no longer fighting amongst eachother, and Baltahzar being recognised as the official leader has done much to calm the streets of the city.

    Added onto this is the collapse of the major feud between the Komnenos and the Kursk families with the disappearance of Antigonos, and the Norwickian trade ship arriving in the docks, it seems Oscura and it's people can go about their peaceful lives as per usual… for now._

  • even the peacekeeper Captain can be seen showing up at the docks to marvel at the uncanny sight, some say even sharing a drink with dwin!

  • _A Norwick cargo ship, for the first time that anyone can remember, approaches the Oscuran docks and asks for permission to dock in a slip from the Harbormaster.

    Sitting on the bow is none other than the Chancellor of Norwick, with an ale bottle in one hand as he greets any Oscurans within hearing range._

    Rawlins-Lumber! Norwick-Grains! Dried vegetables and beef!

    Tell that Drelan Ashire to get his arse down here to the docks so we can properly celebrate the first successful Oscura-Norwick shipping route!

  • The son of Ahkemedes Komnenos, Antiganos Komnenos seems to have disappeared… Last was known of him he was traveling a raod to the west. No one knows what has happened to him, yet her certainly as not been in Oscura for quite awhile

    In other news, a procession of Helmeites entered Oscura, many marching into the shiney coppers. others heading to find city officals. Rumours com from the coppers that it has been laced with powder kegs, the helmites threatning to blow it up if those within did not obay. Pytror, the gaurd wizard of Oscura was seen leaving a few minutes later, with guards carrying the bodies of the helmites.

    Shortly after the helmites were removed, a group went and took a baot from the docks, it included Vladimir Kursk, the two banites Quelcoth and Creg, a slave, and a group of black sails including Tribune Ashire. Rumpours circulate they had found the origin of these helmites, they returned a few days later, uninjured and with a number of gems and gold... including the armour of a helmite

    In other news, Vladimir Kursk has been seen in very high spirits of late. The reasons unknown, but the more cynical say it is due to Antoganos's disappearence

  • A group were seen taking escort of a wagon it seems, a normally larger than normal group, including both sons of Duke Kursk. They returned later…

  • The Peltarchian Senator known as Ronan Redralen was seen in Oscura, seemingly he was talking to Dirge near the well. He left some time later, heading into the Grim Bottle, leaving the shop with a rather annoyed look on his face. He then dissapeared, only to return to Dirge again for another talk about an hour later. What could this filthy, but rather good smelling surfacer be up to?

  • _A group of Legionnaires entered the city and dispersed through the streets, apparently in search of something or someone. Some were asked on the whereabouts of Vladimir during the search, perhaps he had something to do with all of it. After the search the Legionnaires regrouped by the main entrance to the city, where the most senior by rank - an Elf probably, dressed all in grey; is said to have scolded another for wasting his time.

    Apparently, whatever the issue had been, was dropped from concern._

  • *A number of rumours start to cirtcu;late around Oscura..

    The one on many togues is that after the hype of Jario and Balthaza wishing to speak.. It happened, many do not know what was said, yet Jario has still stayed behind the bar of the Shiney Coppers, seems torubles are done but he remains?

    Another was an assination attempt! Few kknow the details but seems Ivan II Kursk was attacked in the undercity, saved just in time by his younger brother Vladimir, who seemed to know of the attack before hand. Vladimir has loudly been claiming it was the work of Antiganos Komnenos. Yet was it? How did he know of the attack? The darker amoung Oscura may think Vladimi had tryed to take the position of heir to the Kursk fortune by force, and got cold feet? Perhaps it was just a stunt to pin blame on the Komnenos? Or perhaps the Komnenos have finally given in with their honest attitdue?

    Shortly after this Vladimir, and a group, including a number of the black sails were seen out heading into a storm on a black lotus boat. A few days later they returned, on what looks like a diffrent boat, with no sail or mast…........*

  • *And in other news the Well had been causing other [problems. A group saw strange gases rising from it, the smell unbareable, aswell as being able to shake, stun and confuse the onlookers, the well even caused physical damage to hose around it

    It ended as quickly as it started*

  • _*Alot of dueling took place at the Bodak recently, a number of fights, many of which including the young noble swordsmen Vladimir Kursk.

    Seemed fun was had by all!*_

  • It is unusual for anything to take the attention of the elf unless something quite out of the ordinary. In most cases, Eléndel takes the shortest path and walks with quick firm steps towards wherever his errand needs him. Today however, something does slow him down at first, before he stops completely to turn his head to face the bizarre paintings of a distorted Narfell for a long silent moment. Unsure what to make of it, he still offer Dirge a short something of what could be interpreted as a compliment and moves on with a sly smirk covering his face

  • Some strange (stranger than normal at least) events have been occurring around the Well of Souls of late. Dirge's paintings have consisted of nothing but a black cat, clear visions of a crying woman with strings attached to her limbs appear most of the time. After prolonged time with the Well though, the vision slowly turns into a bizarre tour of Narfell, everything not quite right. Norwick has strange altars to an unknown God scattered through its streets, Peltarch suffers under an unnatural sun and drought, Oscura is home to both Tormtars and Banites, the Pass is littered with dying fish on the ground. It's not clear why these visions are occurring…

  • A small group including Vladmir Kursk, railia, Rain, Hammerhand the merchant Alexi and a badger were seen returning to Oscura badly attacked, the badger seeming to be shalking slightly

  • Since his trip into the crypts, Vladimir has been seen in and around the temple of caverns alot more..

  • *Vladimir Kursk was seen hireing a small group of adventurers by the well, they headed down into the crypts and were gone a long time.

    On there return, vladimir looking extremely bloody and pale was carried to the temple of caverns, barly alive. What did they find? who knows…..!*

  • Vladimir Kursk has been seen dragging all manner of alrge creatures, dead into Oscura. Some say he is still collecting meat and food incase of the Trade agreement with Peltarch collpasing, some say he is merely become a hunter of rare and large creatues. Some say he is building up an army of undead animals and creatures.

  • It seems things have been quiet in Oscura lately… is this the calm before the storm, or have things truly ended in peace?

  • @0ddee9a576=Grak01:


    Bandaged and bruised looking half-orc, sporting insignia of Iron Chain Clan has been recently visiting various inns within city. His coin-pouch is overly tight, as if tipping is totally unknown fact for him. He is also accompanied by a half-ork grunt, whose presence keeps various thugs and cutthroats in check, giving them understanding that this bandaged half-orc is not easy picking

    Rumors say that he says that he offers a solution for those unfortunate slave owners, who possess excess and high cost and maintenance slaves during these hard times.

    Activity keeps ongoing and apparently, bandaged half-orc with staff and broad gut is grudginly giving out some tips for any advice or contacts regarding the matter

    Upright member of the Oscuran community, the peg-legged dwarf Mercy, goes in malicious search for this wounded half-orc, with witty, groin-taunting mischief in mind…