Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Since his trip into the crypts, Vladimir has been seen in and around the temple of caverns alot more..

  • *Vladimir Kursk was seen hireing a small group of adventurers by the well, they headed down into the crypts and were gone a long time.

    On there return, vladimir looking extremely bloody and pale was carried to the temple of caverns, barly alive. What did they find? who knows…..!*

  • Vladimir Kursk has been seen dragging all manner of alrge creatures, dead into Oscura. Some say he is still collecting meat and food incase of the Trade agreement with Peltarch collpasing, some say he is merely become a hunter of rare and large creatues. Some say he is building up an army of undead animals and creatures.

  • It seems things have been quiet in Oscura lately… is this the calm before the storm, or have things truly ended in peace?

  • @0ddee9a576=Grak01:


    Bandaged and bruised looking half-orc, sporting insignia of Iron Chain Clan has been recently visiting various inns within city. His coin-pouch is overly tight, as if tipping is totally unknown fact for him. He is also accompanied by a half-ork grunt, whose presence keeps various thugs and cutthroats in check, giving them understanding that this bandaged half-orc is not easy picking

    Rumors say that he says that he offers a solution for those unfortunate slave owners, who possess excess and high cost and maintenance slaves during these hard times.

    Activity keeps ongoing and apparently, bandaged half-orc with staff and broad gut is grudginly giving out some tips for any advice or contacts regarding the matter

    Upright member of the Oscuran community, the peg-legged dwarf Mercy, goes in malicious search for this wounded half-orc, with witty, groin-taunting mischief in mind…

  • ICC


    Bandaged and bruised looking half-orc, sporting insignia of Iron Chain Clan has been recently visiting various inns within city. His coin-pouch is overly tight, as if tipping is totally unknown fact for him. He is also accompanied by a half-ork grunt, whose presence keeps various thugs and cutthroats in check, giving them understanding that this bandaged half-orc is not easy picking

    Rumors say that he says that he offers a solution for those unfortunate slave owners, who possess excess and high cost and maintenance slaves during these hard times.

    Activity keeps ongoing and apparently, bandaged half-orc with staff and broad gut is grudginly giving out some tips for any advice or contacts regarding the matter

  • Jaelle was spotted in the Coppers having a quiet conversation with Drelan. It seems that the priestess is handing over her keys to the Sail's warehouse. Oddly, Drelan seemed rather uncomfortable and shifted constantly in his seat during the entire conversation and then followed the lass out of the Coppers.

  • ICC

    Bandaged and bruised looking half-orc, sporting insignia of Iron Chain Clan has been recently visiting various inns within city. His coin-pouch is overly tight, as if tipping is totally unknown fact for him. He is also accompanied by a half-ork grunt, whose presence keeps various thugs and cutthroats in check, giving them understanding that this bandaged half-orc is not easy picking

    Rumors say that he says that he offers a solution for those unfortunate slave owners, who possess excess and high cost and maintenance slaves during these hard times.

  • @44f07c90f2=Davidnwn:


    The majority of Oscura, the slaves and lower classes, are believed those that will be hit the hardest, as feeding them becomes more expensive, more will die and the slave trade will increase as buyers focus on tough slaves able to survive off little, letting the weak ones die off.

    Having given up with his efforts on the surface to convince the Surface city they are going to harm many more, Vladimir Kursk has spent that last few days leaving the city, bow in hand and returning carrying animals of all descriptions for food. Skins left at the trade hall, and the meat presumably being stock piled somewhere.

    Ekmen Kyzanos has seemed to be acting very similarly, mostly concentrating his efforts to the slaves of the Red Dragon Consortium though, but still giving some share of it for others in need as well.

  • @6a96fe15d0=M_O_B:

    The majority of Oscura, the slaves and lower classes, are believed those that will be hit the hardest, as feeding them becomes more expensive, more will die and the slave trade will increase as buyers focus on tough slaves able to survive off little, letting the weak ones die off.

    Having given up with his efforts on the surface to convince the Surface city they are going to harm many more, Vladimir Kursk has spent that last few days leaving the city, bow in hand and returning carrying animals of all descriptions for food. Skins left at the trade hall, and the meat presumably being stock piled somewhere.

  • Vladimir Kursk has been seen around Oscura of late, with an extremely good mood. People are unsure of why, most seem to think it something to do with the troubles on the surface city, or perhaps a succsesful hunt. Eaither way he walks around the streets smieling to himself.

  • _As Peltarchian goods still flood Oscura, speculation begins over what will happen if they actually do stop coming in. Any informed local will know of these, of course there are differing opinions, but these seem to be the majority.

    It's generally accepted that there will be minor shifts of power amongst the rich.

    The Lightning Eagle Trade Conglomerate and the Komnenos, guided by Herakleitos and his teachings of Waukeen, are believed to suffer the most as their strivings towards fair and honest trading goes to waste.

    The Raven's Wing Traders and the Darkhavens are believed to become a lot richer out of a cancelled Peltarch trade deal, as smuggled goods become the norm as they once were.

    The Nothern Bear Alliance and the Kursks will most definitely profit from such an event, as their rivals the Lightning Eagle lose money and power, as they are not able to compete with Northern Bear Alliance trading without Peltarch's legal trade deal.

    Amongst the everyday folk of Oscura, there is some belief that a breakdown of trade between the two cities will lead to a minor immigration of Peltarchians to Oscura, as their businesses collapse and they try to find a new life. However, this is simply speculation, no one can guess to the goals of Peltarchians.

    The rich don't seem bothered at all, and rightly so, because apart from the Komnenos and their affiliates, the cancelled deal will change nothing for the rich and powerful.

    The small middle class do not seem worried as they are carried under the wing of the rich, however some fear lower wages and profits.

    The majority of Oscura, the slaves and lower classes, are believed those that will be hit the hardest, as feeding them becomes more expensive, more will die and the slave trade will increase as buyers focus on tough slaves able to survive off little, letting the weak ones die off.

    As a result, it is thought the Sakhmet's wealth will dramatically increase as the need for slaves increase._

  • Peltarchian goods are still common all throughout Oscura, despite recent sentiments by the Peltarchian Senate.

  • _Oscura seems in a weird state of mind about the apparent severing of trade with Peltarch.

    Most Oscurans tend to laugh it off, asking if the paladins and Senators will personally be stabbing decent merchants trying feed their families.

    Others seem more worried, such as more trustworthy groups like th Lightning Eagle Trade Conglomorate.

    For now, it is just all rumour and talk, until the Guilds decide on something._

  • Rumors tell that Ekmen Kyzanos was seen to arrive to Oscura from the west gate, carrying a head of drider on his shoulder. Later on he was seen to drink few stouts in very good mood at the Shiny Coppers, telling of surviving through the greatest hunt of his life so far.

  • _A day after the Kuo Toa had attacked Peltarch Docks, Ekmen Kyzanos had a tale to tell of them in the Shiny Coppers. He told how he and his companions saw big amount of Kuo Toas on move and soon heard people telling that Peltarch was under attack. By his tale, they took advantage of this time and sneaked into Kuo Toa caves, past the minimal amount of guards left behind from the warparty. But most surprisingly, he claimed they found the long hunted queen of Kuo Toa.

    After that he was told to have chuckled warmly and digged his back for a short moment, only to show the head of the Kuo Toa queen he was carrying. With head on his hand, he was seen to walk through the town to collect the bounty in the name of Ekmen Kyzanos and the Club of Gentlemen_

  • Some rumors tell that a ghostly figure was seen in Coppers. It seemed to have appeared to speak to Ekmen Kyzanos, only to disappear very quickly after which young Kyzanos quickly moved outside.

  • _Word is, there was some sort of commotion in the Coppers between Jario, Balthazar and some of their men. Some of Oscuras nobility, most notably, Lady Zenais Komnenos, Ekmen Kyzanos, Louis du Lorraine and Zazamouhk II Sahkmet were present at the time, as the talking soon turned hostile. Weapons were drawn, two of the nobility at the bar were knocked aside as the Lotus members moved to protect their leaders. Words were exchanged between noble and Lotus member alike for a moment.

    It is said that one of the nobles, Zazamouhk II Sahkmet, suddenly grabbed one Lotus members head and smashed it on the bar for the shove he received and a fight ensued. Whispers of shadows being summoned to subdue the Brute, seemingly fighting on Jarios side are heard alongside the tales of the fight. Whatever is true, one Lotus Brute was taken bloody and beaten out of the Coppers, while Zazamouhk, bloody and beaten himself just seemed to yell for the wine he ordered earlier, giving Jario a few choice words for the delay in getting it._

  • _It seems that Jario's Black Lotus have been processed by the Red Falcons and released… most of them anyway. It was found that a small number of Jario's Lotus were trying to incite tensions between the Raven's Wing by framing Balthazar's Lotus, all involved in the plot have been sentenced to long jail terms.

    This goes along with rumours of many Black Lotus now defecting to Balthazar's side as Jario's leadership proves itself quite lacking._

  • Vladimir Kursk seems to often be going down the tunnels of the Kuo Tuo and Ettins, even down the mines, seemingly serching the underground for something. What it is is unknown, often going for lengthy times

    //away for a few days an next week playtimes are gona be majorly cut, will be around every now an then 🙂