Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • _A group of creatures from the well spew forth out of the hell mouth near the west gate. Many spider like creatures streamed over the bridge, bringing ghostly haunts to the city.

    In the aftermath of the defense of the gate, it seems that a surfacer has been locked up in the Oscuran jail. As a possible reason for this woman being locked up is some outsider involvement, and her past history with the happenings in Anderburg._

  • Rumors of an attack within the Shiny Coppers spread throughout the City. The rumors speak of the Inn being filled with clouds of Darkness and Shadows who attacked both members of Jario's Black Lotus and the patrons who were present. An Oscuran Peacekeeper was noted as being one of the few patrons to fight back the shadows.

  • @b3703f5a44=Tpickles:

    A pale man in dark plate and an expensive looking cloak roams through the streets of Oscura. Rumor holds that he seeks a blooded to grant him citizenship to the city's sanctuary

    Funnily enough Vladimir Kursk happens tyo be walking past, and points the man in the direction of the big brass dome near the Shiney Coppers and Guards outpost, telling him it is now the doorway tot he city hall where he can become blooded

  • Upon hearing this, Ferdinand Locke seeks the man out to speak with him

    OOC: PM or catch me in game if you like

  • Dev

    A pale man in dark plate and an expensive looking cloak roams through the streets of Oscura. Rumor holds that he seeks a blooded to grant him citizenship to the city's sanctuary

  • Allestor is turned away by two guardsman of House Locke. Allestor is told that he is not permitted to see the body of Dar'Lith. He is given no reason, but his wishes to pay respects and attempt to reach his soul are passed on to Ferdinand.

  • Allestor is seen making his way into Oscura, where he is escorted to the Locke estate by an off duty guardsman. Once there, he politely requests to see the body of the fallen Dar'Lith to pay his respects. He is overheard saying "If you can allow me some time with him.. alone, perhaps I may yet reach out to his soul.."

  • Vladimir, now returned to Oscura has been spending alot of time at home with his family, in paticuler his sister Anna. Also spenidng time in the coppers, socialising seemingly trying to ctach up on any gossip or rumours

  • Rumors of the Oscuran Dar'Lith's soul being unwilling to be raised spread throughout some of the city. Whispers of his body being brought to the Locke family estate are often heard.

  • _Guards report the appearance of numerous undead - covered in runes - in the Raven's Rift. Oddly, none attacked, and they crumbled to dust shortly after they appeared. The mages are still investigating, but no conclusive source of magic has been identified.

    It also seems that Nailah has once again returned to the West Gate._

  • Peacekeeper Ferdinand Locke is seen questioning people in the west gate of the absence of Nailah, when she was last seen, what she was doing. He speaks to the freed slaves for any information, as well as the various Courtesans, he sends word for any who know information to report to him within the Peacekeeper tower.

  • Nailah has been noticeably absent in the West Gate for some time now…

  • Marshal is seen leaving the kuo toa area and heading back into Oscura covered head to toe in blood, some of it his own. After seeing the town healer he makes his way to the surface.. later he is seen in Peltarch.

  • Marshal the man from the Keep has been seen inquiring about the whereabouts of Vladimir Kursk throughout Oscura and Peltarch streets, he was last seen following something into the Kuo Toa area almost as if trying to follow Vladimir's last known course. His search seems to be determined, like someone searching for a lost family member.

  • Zazamoukh II Sakhmet has been seen in the Coppers more of late, in quite a good mood after he recently returned from the surface, what exactly got him in such a mood is unknown, but he is seen smiling to himself most times as he drinks and enjoys the company of other patrons in the bar.

  • Ferdinand Locke begins to make inquiries on Vladimir's Absence

  • Vladimir Kursk has not been seen in Oscura for quite some time….......

  • *Vladimir Kursk, whilst heading to the surface was seen diverting his course and rushing into the kuo tuo chasem.

    What caught his eye us unknown, but was seen coming back out, bloodied and almost without breath staggering back to Oscura. Seems his stubbornness has got himself into trouble again*

  • A heavily plated elf overhears the story from a distance where he remains calm and quiet. Once Creg have had his say the elf claps his hands together and asks the obvious question with curiousness and shrugged shoulders

    • Well, are you going to offer a finders fee for Ronan's head or not?

  • Creg Fester returns to oscura frantic and runs up to a guard. Any nearby can hear that he tells the guard that both he and the Imperceptor where viciously attacked by Senator Ronan in the pass. He snuk up on the two invisibly then held them down with bigbies while blasting them with fire. Then leaving Creg on the road he carried the Imperceptor Zanetar off toward the north.