Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • @37b41533cc=M_O_B:

    It seems a large meeting of nobles and Tribunal members was held in the Library, which was brought about by an unexpected visit by Senator Fisher.

    During said meeting there was talk of giving the Imperceptor and Allanon over to Peltarch for "war crimes". Many Baneites avoid the subject and praise the Imperceptor when brought up.

  • It seems a large meeting of nobles and Tribunal members was held in the Library, which was brought about by an unexpected visit by Senator Fisher.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumor has it that a certin purple haired peacekeeper has promised to another peacekeeper that she'd run a lap naked around the city for 10 bottles of a certin ale, a few gems and for him to run naked with her…

  • It seems the remaining Black Lotus have been found innocent of consorting with the now dead Lord Gallows in his plots against Oscura. They have returned to their posts, but have left the docks in the hands of the Black Sails and the Northern Bear Alliance as they are now leaderless.

  • Rumors spread that group of assassins, most likely Thayan origin, tried to take down both Vakdal Kyzanos and Ekmen Kyzanos in the Coppers. They apparently failed and were taken down by group of Oscurans, as pile of corpses could be seen carried out of the Coppers. Both Vakdal and Ekmen could be seen leaving Coppers just few moments later, with only minor scratches on them

  • Meanwhile, while Marty is in the Oscuran docks, the dainty halfling steps are "ghosted" - or perhaps "dogged" - by the pegging bloated fish carcass that is the whalesome Mercy. Grinning like a Cheshire cat ducked in a rum barrel and then dragged through a rank seaweed patch backwards, the dwarf pester pesters "yon honnerful toadstood", leering curiously at Marty's little book of texts, justifying her priestly and benevolent attentions…

    "… lest th' mice-rodent-maid make off wi' Oscura's precious fixtures an' fittin's, yarr? Be a scrote fondler this'n, says I, an' nay cove be nabbin' Mercy's bollock-purse an' its jangly goods, savvy?"

  • Seeing the white-shirted Sabre appear, Mercy forks herself superstitiously. Standing, gob-dangling as her precious breakfast grog is hornswaggled, Mercy responds to Captain Seasaw's inquiry about the changing hubbub and discord on Oscura's docks defensively…

    "'T'weren't me, Sabby, honest as th' day is long be I, says I, rot me bilge wi' crab-crackers an' pillage me pillow wi' a horse's poker o' vengeance, an' tha'! Yarr harr. Oi, yon be me rum, ye thievin' pox-mound ye!"

  • Legion

    The hin senator from Peltarch has been spending a fair bit of time about Oscura lately. She flits between city officials and slave traders, asking questions and jotting down notes. Most of her time seems to be spent around the slave markets.

  • Captain Sabre Seesaw is also a steady presence at the docks of late, the unorthodox white shirt now replaced by her customary skintight black leathers. While not the most imposing of figures, the large, sinister mountain of a half-orc looming behind the captain soon dissuades anyone from arguing her orders.

  • A rather brutish black Sail walks about the docks district in Oscura. Some may know him as "Jay." Whenever fighting incidents break out, he forces his way in to break it up with mere brute force. When all is calm, he is seen gazing about the dock area with a scornful glare.

  • Post battle, aspiring Peacekeeper and Nobleman Ferdinand Locke is seen entering the Falcon House, he is asking for information on Black Lotus members who have not been counted amongst those captured and those who are dead. Black Lotus members of importance seems to be the main focus of his questions.

  • After the the bloody and fierce battle the tribune disappeared with several of the people, most notably some nobles, from the fight hauling a few corpses and a weapons cache.

    The tribune returns a few hours later, seems to drown a few of the still gurgling dead,and then quickly has the docks cleaned the blood being swabbed away. Soon after he's back up with the dock master directing once again intent to have the docks back up and going steady again as if the disturbance never happened.

  • An attack by Captain Howard von Kelso of the Black Lotus was launced upon the docks today from his ship. Every last one of his crew, and himself, were killed by defenders of the docks, including Oscuran, Black Sail and Northern Bear Alliance guards, as well as Drelan Ashire, Vladimir Kursk, Louis du Lorraine,

  • ICC

    Ferdinand Locke is accompanied by a young Swordsman, always pitching in to help wherever Ferdinand stops. Ready to share a smile and a quiet word with anyone nearby, he can be heard to remark though

    "I guess by default I'll be in the militia too…but with twice the headache and none of the pay!"

  • A pleasant young man named David is seen around town socialising with various people and letting people know he is a new merchant in town specialising in oddities, rare herbs and other hard to obtain items.

  • _As the first faint glow of daylight begins to creep across the horizon outside the underground city, a thick fog rolls in across the dark waters of the Oscuran harbour, blanketing the docks in it's clammy, chill embrace. Despite the hustle and bustle of trade and recent events, an eerie calm settles across the docks, the fog muting even the sinister click-clack-stomp of the dwarven priestess' peg-legged morning jaunt - and thankfully blurring her snaggle-toothed leer from sight.

    The dark contours of a ship flick in and out of sight through the heavy mists, granting the most observant a faint glimpse of a sleek hull and blue sails before vanishing again, in ghostlike silence. The wind picks up ever so slightly, waves clucking against the shore, sails and ropes creaking.. and then the mist parts, revealing a small child-like figure clad in a white dress at the end of the quay.

    At first the figure seems as ghostly and insubstantial as the foggy morning itself, standing still as if lost. Then, as the fog clears further, small bare feet pad softly against the stones as the figure makes its way down the docks in a familiar, none too childlike swagger, making a determined bee-line for the Umberlite dwarf as soon as Mercy's ugly mug is spotted._

    "Merce, ye halibut harridan! Share that rum or 'm gonna shove th'bleedin' bottle down yer throat, ye slug-snouted stone-flingin' flabbergut troll!"

    Yanking the bottle from Mercy's paw, Sabre takes a long, long swig - after having wiped the rim of it on her white garnment, which is in fact not a dress but a man's shirt, several sizes too large and reaching well past the diminuative captain's knees. She takes another swig to chase the chill off, only then seeming to notice the recent changes to the Oscuran docks, mumbling a low, slightly hoarse:

    "..wha' th'hells did I miss?"

  • Adding brute bulk to Black Sails' presence on the Dock, the peg-legged priestess of Umberlee, Mercy stomps about the port, hefting her trident, draining bottles of ill-smelling rum and louring menacingly. This, however, is no real substantial or sinister development. Just breakfast and her usual morning stroll…

  • Ferdinand Locke, is seen often in the dockyards offering his aid to Captain Drelan and the black sails. Helping to ensure that there are no hostilities

  • The same female half-elf who has been visiting the freed slaves regularly of late has put out word through various merchants that she would like to meet with the Captain of the Peacekeepers, Senria

    ((Let me know if the meeting is granted))

  • Priestess of Umberlee Sedea Sterr, alleged daughter of the famed Deacon Sterr, is seen personally attending to ships. Amid bawdy jokes and good natured violence, she imparts the blessings of the Bitch Queen on every willing vessel.

    When asked, she speaks well of Gallows, "except for the going nuts and trying to kill everyone part, I rather liked him".