Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • *A group of three noblemen and a protector we're see down at the docks catching a ship, rumours circulate that they were looking for Martee Boone's giant seaworm as he went along with them.

    The boat returned a day or so later, it is unusre if they saw the worm or not, or what at all ahppened, but they returned looking a bit wet and covered in small iceicles*

  • After apparently hearing of the bounties Oscura posesses, senator Ronan Redralen of Peltarch makes his way through the city, seemingly in a hurry. He enters the Coppers, not looking like he has a terribly thrilled look on his face..

  • Surprisingly it was witnessed that a Locke and Kyzanos successfully worked together on a mission from the Wizard Pytor. The two nobles were tasked with administering justice to a group of smugglers attempting to evade taxes owed to the city.

  • _Rumors begin to circulate of a priestess of Shar walking about the city and patronizing the local businesses, occasionally offering "blessings to those in need".

    The rumors circulate and consist of things such as her not having a face, "seeing" thoughts of dead things in her wake, the soft sounds of a eerie flute, or that she is really a Halfling mage that somehow took over the body of a young woman and is using that for daily tasks.

    One thing that is reported by multiple people is that she seems to walk a daily path from the Temple to the Well, and back._

  • ICC

    Rumours circulate of a whispered meeting between a young Nobleman and an unknown swordsman in a local tavern. The meeting moved into the back room; where Strange lights and Magical emanations chased the vermin from the darkened corners of the tavern. Both men left soon afterwards.

  • *Vladimir Kursk, escorted by several guards returns to the city covered in blood with a body over his shoulder, as he walkt hrough the city to the docks he made sure no one saw the face of the body.

    Rumours say that Peacekeeper Sogar returned the body ti life*

  • _*Rumours around the various bars and inns in Oscura have a buzz regaurding the son of Duke Kursk.

    A few people saw him leaving the city via the westgate to the chasems beneth. returning later with a new greatsword strapped to his pack. Where did he get it?

    A few ideas spread about.. He fought a Koa Toa champion and won it.. Perhaps? He found it on the floor… Possiable? It was given to him by Elminster... Unlikely?_

  • A rumor is heard among the shady people of Oscura. Some of the beggars, thugs and cut throats of Oscura tell that there is a person who requires the services of people who are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Anyone who believes to be capable and interested is prompted to go to the wailing banshee and talk to the bartender for the job.

    // ooc: please send me a pm if you go to the banshee. Also remember that this rumor is mainly for the shady… people that are very well informed might off course also hear this.

  • A female half-elf with very long red hair and bright blue eyes has been seen lately speaking with the freed slaves in Oscura. The conversations are quiet and seem pleasant and she returns to speak to them again every couple of days

  • Rumors of a large amount of Nobles and Blooded members of Oscura traveling into the Crypts within the Undercity are spread throughout the slave pens and taverns. The speak of the Baron Theodore Locke requesting his son retrieve a black book from the crypt. It is unknown if the group was successful or not, but the dinner party held at the Banshee later that evening would indicate they were successful.

  • Legion

    The hin senator of Peltarch Martoushca Leaffall, flanked by the cleric Telli Thunden, we seen leaving the library. Marty seemed a bit agitated, lighting up her pipe as soon as she exits the building and drawing back deeply on it as if gaining some kind of relief from inhaling smoke.

  • _A notice is put forth to those in Oscura that the Noble Ferdinand Locke is seeking to employ a few able bodied persons to act as bodyguards, and to carry out any other tasks which may need to be done.

    The notice mentions to send word to his estate_

    OOC: PM me via forums if interested.

  • Three of Oscarans reconisable nobles were seen going down into the undercity crypts.. a few hours later they come bcak holding a number of possesions which they did not leave with, meeting Pytor and then heading off there own ways.

  • Vladimir Kursk has been visiting the Bodak more and more recently. His last few fights victorious, yet occasionly being beaten, but taking it gracefully. He seems to be training incredibly hard.

  • A new dome has appeared in the southwestern corner of The Forgotten City. At the same time, the usual entrance to the town Meeting Hall has been closed off.

  • Vladimir Kursk, son of Duke Andrey Kursk has been seen around the well asking for any adventurer types recently, whenever finding some heading out of Oscara, equipt for battle. Rumours circulate that he is heading off to find something, some say its merely sword practice. One drunk in the coppers says hes digging a tunnel trying to get to Thay. Who knows….

  • It appears Lord Gallows has mysteriously disappeared as of late. No one seems quite sure where he is, but no Black Lotus seem too worried.

  • SkullCrusher engineers can be seen constructing a large dome on the southeastern cave wall in The Forgotten City. A variety of guards watch over their progress and meet onlookers with a stern glare.

  • Spectators at the bodak recently were leaving the watchers area at speed after two of oscaras nobles, reconised as Vladimir Kursk and Ekmen Kyzanos were involved in a bow and arrow duel, arrows flew all over the bodak during this fight. yet the two left shortly after for the shiney coppers with smiles on there faces

  • _Recently, the Coppers was sealed shut after some well known surfacers were seen entering and talking to Lord Gallows. Amongst the surfacers were such faces as Senator Ronan, Captain Aelthas and Cerulean Knight Lycka, as well as the Oghman priest Terren and Sharessan priestess Hedia. Inside, several nobles of Oscura and other notables such as Pyotr the Guard Wizard, Maxmilian Locke, Thoth III Sakhmet, Vakdal Kyzanos and Bernard du Lorraine were known to be present for whatever happened.

    Hours went by, the doors still sealed, potential drinkers sent off at the door by the Red Falcons. Whatever transpired inside is not known to many, yet the surfacers were seen leaving with concerned looks on their faces and the Coppers was opened back up to the public once again._